10 signs you're about to give birth

by Rose green
10 signs you're about to give birth

10 signs you're about to give birth
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10 signs you're about to give birth

The last few weeks



1. Your baby is descending

A few weeks before the birth, your baby prepares itself for the big day. The baby descends towards your pelvis and lies head down. Ideal for working its way through your pelvis. You will also notice this physically. You may start to waddle a little more and the many trips to the toilet can be explained by the head that exerts pressure on your bladder. The good news is that you can breathe better because your lungs are now less affected by that package in your stomach. Is there a breech presentation? Then you don't have to panic immediately.

2. Your cervix softens

Okay, you can't feel this. But the obstetrician or gynecologist does! The cervix is ​​normally stiff and somewhat harder. Just before giving birth, it will open up a bit more and become thinner. This will allow access to be created soon.

3. You experience cramps and back pain

Your muscles and joints are preparing for childbirth. They shift and stretch a bit, which can cause cramps and pain in your groin and lower back.

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4. Your joints feel looser

You can be grateful to the hormone relaxin (what's in a name) for this. Because your joints loosen, your pelvis opens. That's nice, because it makes the birth a lot easier.

5. You have diarrhea

This physical signal is less pleasant. Fortunately, not everyone suffers from this. If you do, you can blame your hormones. This changes and that also has an effect on your intestines. One bright spot: you don't have to worry that you ate something wrong.

6. You lose weight

Nothing wrong with that of course. Of the pounds that have been gained in recent months, a few may now disappear. This has no effect on your baby's weight. You simply don't gain any weight anymore, and because the amount of amniotic fluid decreases and you make more visits to the toilet, you sometimes even lose some weight.

7. More tired or more energy

When it comes to fatigue, you may have a flashback to the first trimester. The overactive bladder (you may even suffer from urine loss) and the increased need for sleep are also common in many heavily pregnant women. Carrying around that big, heavy belly is quite tiring, not to mention the lack of a comfortable sleeping position. Don't panic: not all women who are about to give birth suffer from this. Sometimes the exact opposite happens and you have mountains of energy. This often manifests itself in the urge to nest. Just brush and scrub!

Just before giving birth

8. You lose the mucus plug

In recent months, a mucus plug prevented bacteria from entering your uterus. The mucus plug is a pinkish, thick discharge that can suddenly pop out when you urinate, for example. But it can also come loose in small bits. No mucus plug in sight? Maybe you've already lost him without realizing it. That happens quite often.

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9. You're having contractions

In the months before the birth you may occasionally experience a hard stomach, but these are not yet real contractions. You can recognize real contractions because instead of becoming less severe, they become worse when you move and as time passes. In addition, they are becoming stronger and they appear one after the other more often.

10. Your water breaks

Yes, the big break. At least that's how many people see it. A load of water on the floor and presto, a few minutes later the baby is there. The reality is often different. In many women, the waters do not break on their own. In this case, the midwife or doctor will break them or (very rarely) the baby will be born in the amniotic sac. If the membranes do break, the remaining amniotic fluid will come out little by little. One thing is certain: once your water breaks, it won't be long before you can hold your child in your arms.

Last updated: December 2024

10 signs you're about to give birth

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