There are many factors that make it difficult for you to develop, one of which is the wrong mindset . Unfortunately, you don’t always realize that your mindset is wrong. Moreover, changing the mindset that has been with you all this time is not an easy thing.
But what’s the harm in trying? Well, here are some things you can try to change yourself for the better!
1. Always feel yourself right

The mindset that makes it difficult for you to grow is to feel that you are right. By having a mindset like this, you feel that what you are doing is perfect so that there is no desire to evaluate yourself.
Reported by Lifehack, Zak Khan suggests that you be more open-minded , accept various opinions and appreciate various advice. This can be an evaluation material for yourself. Nothing is perfect, you also need a lot of introspection.
2. Feel useless if you fail (Wrong Mindset)
If you fail at something, do you like to feel that you are useless? If your answer is, “Yes!” then your mindset is wrong. Don’t make failure in something a measure of your ability.
Instill in yourself, that every failure is a new learning. Reported by Keepinspiring, Quincy Selae explained that you don’t live in a perfect world. There are various factors that make you fail, so what you need to do is adapt to it.
3. Can not love what is owned (Wrong Mindset)
Do you often see the success of your friends on social media? Do you also often feel that you have many shortcomings? Do you often feel dissatisfied with what you have?
Still from Keepinspiring, Quincy Seale explained that the negative side of the ambition you have is never feeling satisfied with what you already have. Your mind focuses on what is not there, so it forgets what is right in front of your eyes. Change the mindset like that because it will make you feel like you never have enough.
4. You are too focused on other people’s dreams
Looking at other people’s lives too much makes you want to be like him. You think that by being that person, you will have a better and happier life. Unfortunately, you are wrong.
Focusing too much on other people’s dreams leaves you running out of time for yourself. You are busy thinking of ways to become that person. Zak Khan on the Lifehack page suggests that you better prioritize yourself and focus on your life.
5. Prioritizing results over processes
One of the factors why you don’t improve is that you focus too much on results. If you have a goal, you only think of the result that suits you. In fact, you could fail.
Success is good, but failing is no less good, really! From failure you learn to avoid similar mistakes and find other ways so you don’t fall into the same hole. So, just enjoy every process you go through, it doesn’t have to always be successful. Remember, everyone has failed.
So, those are some things you can change from your mindset . Changing the mindset that we believe to be true is difficult, but try to change it slowly. Good luck!