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A cold during pregnancy: what can you do?
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A cold during pregnancy: what can you do?

Also read: Inhaling steam or 'vaping': how do you do it and does it work?


What can you do yourself?


  • Rest well and get enough sleep

Getting enough rest will help your body recover faster and the cold will go away sooner.

This sounds contradictory, but it helps if you stay active. To the extent that your body allows it.

During a cold you lose more fluid than normal. It is therefore important to replenish the deficiency. Tea and water are good for maintaining your fluid balance.

Sometimes steaming can reduce the symptoms of a blocked nose. Do this, for example, three times a day for fifteen minutes. You can steam in the bathroom or shower by turning on the hot water tap and inhaling the steam that is created in the closed space. You can also steam above a bowl of hot water (but be careful not to burn yourself: do not let the water temperature exceed 60 degrees Celsius). Adding something to the water (such as salt or menthol) is of no use. These substances can irritate the mucous membranes and ultimately cause you more discomfort. Steaming does not speed up the healing process.

  • Nasal drops with saline solution (physiological serum)
Is your nose blocked? Sometimes saline nose drops can help to reduce the symptoms. You can make the saline solution yourself by dissolving a level teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Put a few drops in each nostril a few times a day (or as often as you like). You can also buy the saline solution ready-made (as drops or spray) at the pharmacy.

Also read: Inhaling steam or 'vaping': how do you do it and does it work?

Can you take medicines?

Medicines are usually not necessary for a cold. The cold will heal on its own after a few days. During pregnancy (and if you gives) you should be careful with medicines in any case. Always consult your (family) doctor beforehand.

Antibiotics are of no use for a cold caused by a virus.
  • Pain reliever / antipyretic
In case of fever and/or headache or muscle pain, you may take a painkiller. Preferably take paracetamol (Dafalgan, Perdolan Mono…). Aspirin and derivatives are better not given because of their effect on blood clotting. Also painkillers containing codeine are strongly discouraged.

All cough suppressants are not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Consult your doctor if you still want to take a cough suppressant.

Also read: What can you do about a dry cough and phlegm cough?


When to see a doctor?

Some respiratory infections such as whooping cough or flu can be dangerous during pregnancy. If you have a (high) fever, if other symptoms arise (e.g. shortness of breath, wheezing, etc.) or if you doubt whether it is a common cold, it is best to consult your doctor.

Whooping cough or pertussis is a serious, contagious respiratory disease that is especially dangerous for babies, and can even be fatal. Babies and young children have violent coughing fits, a whooping inhalation and can turn blue. If you have whooping cough during pregnancy, there are also risks because of the violent coughing fits. This can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.
The first symptoms of whooping cough are reminiscent of a cold: a runny nose, sneezing, a slight fever and a light cough. After a few weeks, severe and persistent coughing fits, wheezing and coughing up sticky mucus follow.
  • Decongestant nose drops (vasoconstrictors)

Medicines containing vasoconstrictors are used to reduce the feeling of a blocked nose during a cold. It is important not to use these medicines often and to limit their use to a short period (maximum five days). Also respect the recommended daily dose, as stated in the package leaflet.

During pregnancy, one should be very careful with the use of nose drops and sprays, especially when utero-placental function is impaired. Combinations of a nasal decongestant with antibiotics or corticosteroids (such as Sofraline, Sofrasolone and Dexa Rhinospray) are not recommended.

The combination of xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide (Otrivine Duo) is not recommended for patients under 18 years of age, for patients for whom anticholinergics may be dangerous, and during pregnancy. Extra caution is also advised for the elderly.

  • xylometazoline (otrivine)
Consider use in case of hypertension or reduced placental perfusion.

Herbal remedies (such as Echinacea) are also not recommended during pregnancy.

For every pregnant woman, whooping cough vaccination between week 24 and week 32 of pregnancy is recommended, and this for every pregnancy, regardless of whether the woman has previously received a booster vaccination. In this way, as a future mother, you produce antibodies against whooping cough that you pass on to your unborn child via the placenta. In this way, the baby is protected from birth while waiting for him to produce antibodies against whooping cough himself through the vaccinations. It is also best for your partner and other housemates to be vaccinated (once). This 'cocoon vaccination' is best carried out a few weeks before delivery.


Also read: Free vaccination against whooping cough for pregnant women and other adults

A cold occurs gradually, flu often starts very suddenly. With flu you often have a fever, with a cold sometimes a slight increase. A runny nose is a typical symptom of a cold, with flu this usually does not occur. Flu can be worse in a pregnant woman and cause more complications, such as pneumonia. A severe flu attack can also seriously damage the health of the baby.

Also read: How long does a cold last and how do you get rid of it faster?

Also read: Flu vaccination also for pregnant women

Last updated: February 2023


A cold during pregnancy: what can you do?

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A cold during pregnancy: what can you do?

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