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Abnormal smear: types of treatment |
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Abnormal smear: types of treatment

The treatment depends on the location of the abnormal tissue on the cervix and the severity of the abnormality. The gynaecologist can inform you further, but we will already go over the four most common treatments.


Also read: Abnormal smear: course of colposcopy and biopsy

Lisexcision (lisconization, hotloop)


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In this procedure, the gynaecologist peels away the abnormal tissue with a metal loop. The wound then heals. Sometimes this procedure is also called a loop or hot loop.


The treatment takes place under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or with a spinal injection and takes about fifteen minutes.

You will sit in the gynecological examination chair. You will get a sticker on your leg to conduct electrical current. After a speculum is inserted into the vagina, the doctor will administer local anesthesia with a thin needle. The cervix will be colored with vinegar solution or iodine. Then the gynecologist will remove tissue with the heated loop.

Inserting the needle for local anesthesia often causes some pain for a short time. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, you generally do not feel anything of the lisexcision itself.

Afterwards you may have bloody discharge for more than a week.


Also read: Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer

Cryo treatment (freezing)

In this procedure, the gynaecologist freezes the abnormal tissue of the cervix. The wound then heals.

The treatment takes place at the outpatient clinic and takes about fifteen minutes. You take a seat in the gynaecological examination chair. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina. He or she then places a metal pin on the cervix. The pin is connected to a long instrument that transports liquid nitrogen, which makes it ice cold. The place where the doctor holds the pin against the cervix also becomes ice cold and freezes. After about three to five minutes, the supply of liquid nitrogen stops. The pin and the cervix then thaw. Often, after a few minutes, the cervix is ​​frozen a second time for a few minutes.
Cervical freezing often gives a menstrual-like feeling. Sometimes there can be cramping abdominal pain. You can take a tablet for menstrual pain about half an hour before freezing.

Afterwards you can have a fairly long period of discharge (sometimes up to six weeks). During this period the frozen tissue is shed and the wound heals. The discharge is often watery and often smells bad.

Also read: Cervical cancer: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Laser treatment (evaporation)

In this procedure, the gynaecologist uses a laser beam to evaporate the abnormal tissue of the cervix. This causes it to die. New healthy tissue then grows.

The treatment is performed under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or with a spinal injection, and takes about fifteen minutes. You take a seat in the gynaecological examination chair. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina. Then local anesthesia is administered. This is done with a thin needle. The cervix is ​​stained with a vinegar solution or iodine. The abnormal tissue is then evaporated using laser beams.

Inserting the needle for local anesthesia often causes some pain for a short time. Once the anesthesia is given, you generally feel little of the laser treatment itself.

Afterwards you may have discharge for quite some time.

Conization (surgery)

During a conization, the gynecologist removes a cone-shaped piece of the cervix.

This procedure is generally performed as a day hospitalization, under general anesthesia or sometimes with a spinal tap and is done via the vagina. So you will not have a scar on your abdomen.
After a conization, the gynaecologist sometimes inserts a tampon into the vagina. This tampon usually consists of a long gauze ribbon. This can cause the urethra to be compressed a little, which can make urination difficult. Sometimes a urinary catheter is therefore inserted into the bladder. This is removed after the tampon has been removed from the vagina by the nurse.
In other hospitals, a kind of self-dissolving hemostatic material is inserted into the cervix. This can dissolve by itself, but sometimes it also slides out of the vagina after the operation as a thick brown lump. You don't have to be alarmed by this.

You often have blood loss for a week or more until the wound has healed or a scab has formed. The scab may come off, or you may have grainy blood loss.

Also read: Conization: cervical surgery in case of abnormal smear test

Pregnancy after conization

Short-term complications of the various cervical treatments are rare. You continue to menstruate. In general, there are no problems with getting pregnant, with the pregnancy itself or during childbirth. Long-term complications are also rare with conization. Possible complications are:
  • Problems getting pregnant: After treatment, the cervix sometimes produces less mucus. Cervical mucus is necessary for sperm to move from the vagina to the uterus and ovaries. In rare cases, too little mucus production can be a reason why getting pregnant is difficult.
  • Problems during pregnancy: If a large part of the cervix is ​​removed during conization, the chance of premature birth is slightly increased. This problem does not occur with other treatments.
  • Problems during childbirth: In very rare cases, very strong scar tissue forms after treatment of the cervix. It is possible that the cervix will then have more difficulty opening during childbirth.
  • Difficulty taking Pap smears: Severe scar tissue can cause the opening of the cervix to become very narrow, making it difficult to obtain cells from the inside of the cervix for a Pap smear.
  • Painful periods: If the cervix has become very narrow due to scar tissue, periods may be more painful than before.

Recovery after treatment

  • Use of tampons: Many gynaecologists advise against the use of tampons as long as there is still bleeding or discharge after treatment.
  • Sexuality: Sex is generally discouraged as long as there is still bleeding or discharge after treatment. There is no objection to an orgasm (coming). Having intercourse again for the first time is often a scary idea. However, nothing serious can happen. Occasionally there is some (grainy) bleeding. The cervix is ​​not yet completely healed. In that case, wait a little longer before having intercourse.
  • Swimming, bathing and showering: Some gynaecologists advise against swimming or taking a bath as long as there is still bloody discharge. Other gynaecologists have no objection to this. You can safely use the shower.
  • If you have a lot of bleeding after a cervical treatment, more than with a heavy menstruation, it is wise to contact the gynaecologist. After a lisexcision or a conisation, the chance of this is about 5%. If you get a fever after the treatment, this is also a reason to consult the gynaecologist.


After a cervical procedure, you will return to the outpatient clinic a few weeks later. The gynaecologist will discuss how you are doing. If tissue has been removed, such as in a lisexcision or a conisation, this will have been examined by now. In general, the result is the same as the result of the biopsy. The gynaecologist will look at how the healing process of the cervix is ​​going and will discuss with you how further monitoring will take place. A smear test is usually repeated six months, one year and two years after the treatment.

In more than 90% of women, the smear becomes normal again after treatment. This is a sign that the treatment has been successful. In some cases, the smear still appears abnormal after treatment. The gynaecologist will then perform a colposcopy again. Depending on the findings, it will be discussed with you whether a second treatment is necessary.


Last updated: July 2023


Abnormal smear: types of treatment |

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