After being betrayed, I had a conversation with my broken heart.

by James Williams
After being betrayed
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After being betrayed, conversation with my broken heart.

After being betrayed by the man I loved, the one with whom I spent 8 years of my life thinking I had found my soulmate, found the person with whom I would spend the rest of my life, on whom I could count in difficult times and for whom I could shout to the whole world: YES love exists do not lose hope, YES the happiness of being loved, is within everyone’s reach. 

But alas, all that I believed in from the depths of my heart, collapses like a house of cards, this great enthusiasm falls like a bellows; I knew then that this little heart locked in his cage that believed in so many things, is fading away; is extinguished and dies, that’s when I said to myself: this heart on the verge of death lying in his bed owed me explanations, I grabbed him, shook him and talked to him.


After being betrayed

Me: Heart tell me, are you really in a thousand pieces?

Him: Yes, I am broken, in crumbs as if I was being torn from you little by little.

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Me: Heart tell me, will the pain I’ve had for almost two years and that makes me cry every night ever go away?

Him: Yes, over time.

Me: Heart how long, tell me, please, because I am exhausted, I am in pain, terribly in pain?

Him: I can’t answer you, but tell yourself that only you can stop this immense pain you have.

Me: But how?

After being betrayed

Him: Already telling you: one of lost 10 to find, no I’m joking, ah I manage to make humor even dying! Let’s talk seriously, just by telling yourself that you are a warrior, that you have always assumed your life and your children, without asking anything of anyone.

Me: Heart do you think that one day I will love again and succeed in bringing together your fragments so scattered?

Him: Yes, but you have to make a clean sweep of the past, have confidence in yourself again.

Me: But how do I do it? I was humiliated and treated like the worst shit!

Him: Look at yourself in a mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are, how intelligent you are, that you deserve to be loved and not humiliated, that you deserve to be respected for who you are.

Me: My heart I know all this! Uh! I also manage to have humor.

Me: Heart tell me, were you as surprised as I was when you started to break?

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Him: Yes, I remember the first time you met the gaze of this man, I had never known or felt such sensations,I beat as if I were the heart of the earth, I beat so hard that I felt like I was moving the world and overnight like an earthquake that happens without warning, devastated all breath of life.

Me: Last question, tell me, do you have any advice to give me to finally be happy?

Him: Yes, tell yourself that I am not eternal.

Me: Heart, I don’t understand.

Him: It’s simple I only live once, so enjoy life, be happy and do whatever it takes not to have regrets. Tell yourself that if I stop it is forever.

Me: Heart I understood from this moment I will do everything for you, your pieces will stick together, you will beat to the rhythm of love and joy and who knows fear-being will you know once again, this feeling of being the beating heart of the world, that you will know this love at first sight , who knows? but this time without lies and without deception.

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