In her video, the lawyer Beatriz Salgado reported that when being attended to, the employees remained on their knees and, shocked, she asked the attendant the reason for the gesture. In addition, the lawyer said that after the episode she received reports from some employees and other customers with a photo of employees kneeling.In the video the lawyer says that “The woman came to help me and then, out of nowhere, she bends down. I didn’t realize it at first. Then, shortly after, another employee comes to help me and kneels down again. And at that time I asked ‘lady, why are you on your knees ?’, she told me it was Outback ‘tradition'”.
Still in the publication, Beatriz says that she even asked the attendant not to make the gesture, however the employee replied that it was a company rule, which determined that the attendants stay in the “same level” of customers during service
After the episode, this Monday (20), the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Labor in Maranhão (MPT-MA) received a complaint that restaurant employees were being forced to serve customers on their knees.
The Outback Brasil restaurant, on the other hand, released a note, informing that the practice was optional and that jamis forced no employee to kneel when performing the service, but that from now on the practice has been extinguished.
“The practice of the attendant looking at customers at eye level, bending down or sitting next to them at the table has always been an optional action that was well known in the past as a front of receptivity during customer service” Remembering that with the complaint, the MPT – MA launched an investigation into the case.
Featured photo: Beatriz Salgado Reproduction/Instagram
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