Airton leads assists, becomes a waiter and is decisive for Atlético-GO in Série B

by Clare Dominic
Airton leads assists, becomes a waiter and is decisive for

Airton leads assists, becomes a waiter and is decisive for Atlético-GO in Série B

Atletico-GO striker, Airton has been an important piece for the Dragon in the last duels of the Brazilian Championship Series B; team faces Guarani this Sunday, 23

In the last four games that he entered the field for Serie B of the Brazilian Championship, the striker Airtonof Atlético-GO, came off the bench, entered and gave decisive passes to the goals of the Dragon. Of the last four duels he played, only in the match against Novorizontino the attacker did not assist.

With the three passes to his teammates, the attacker equaled the lateral Rodrigo Soares and is now the leader in assists for the Red-Black team in Série B of the Brasileirão. Airton spoke about the moment he lived and the waiter phase.

“My thought is always to be able to help Atlético in any way, be it scoring a goal, assisting or contributing in any other way. Thank God, whenever I’ve been playing in the last few games, I’ve been helping with passes to my teammates’ goals, it makes me very happy to contribute to the team’s results”, he said.

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Atlético has not been beaten in seven matches, however, five of those games ended in a draw, which left the team a little behind in the fight for the G-4. Next Sunday (23), Dragão will visit Guarani. Airton highlighted the preparation for the match and the expectation for the duel against Bugre.

“We have been working very hard to improve our streak. We are undefeated for seven games, but we don’t have many victories, we need to improve our number of triumphs and further increase this sequence without defeats. We know that we are going to face a very qualified opponent, who will have the support of the fans, but we need the three points and we will do everything in search of that victory, always respecting Guarani. We have a goal and this victory will be important to put us back on the path we want to follow”, concluded.

Guarani and Atlético-GO face off this Sunday, July 23, at 11:00 am (Brasília time), at the Brinco de Ouro Stadium, in Campinas, São Paulo.

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Airton leads assists, becomes a waiter and is decisive for Atlético-GO in Série B

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