Alex Rodriguez, which was formerly Jennifer Lopez’s fiance poses stylishly beside the red porseche he had gifted the singer and actress whne they were still together. Alex bough the car for Lopez in 2019 duringt her 50th birthday, as a gift.
The picture however, generated a lot of mixed reactions online after Alex Rodriguez posted it on his Instagram page. Fans were quick to notice the similarities between the car, and wasn’t slow to pin-point what might be regarded as the intention of Alex to the singer, Jennifer Lopez.
Alex Rodriguez wrote the following caption under the picture:
“I’m super down to earth.”
Whatever that means and whatever Alex Rodriguez intention is isn’t so clear, but the internet cared nevertheless. The fans held to the same position that his act of his posting the picture online was intended to Savage Jennifer Lopez due to the strain relationship between them.
Social media users took their time to respond to the picture. Few of them reacted as thus:
@hakeem__o: “You took the car back from JLo.”
@pumpkin689pp: “I thought you gave that red Porche to… Never mind.”
@notull56: “Looks like JLo left not only you but the red car too.”
@cynthiavvalencia: “Savage. Posing with the car he bought JLo for her birthday.”
@dnice: “Haaaaaaaaaaa! I love it!”
Of the obvious reason that might have led to the indirect Savage by Alex Rodriguez, it was released few months that the singer, Lopez reunited with her ex-lover, Ben Affleck. And has cut all possible ties with Alex, including unfollowing him on her Instagram account.
This however might have instigated his supposed action.