Anitta announces another feat for the new carnival album
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Since last Sunday (24), singer Anitta has been publicizing the partnerships she will have on her next carnival album. In the announcement on her personal profile, the singer has already confirmed a feat with the queen of axé Ivete Sangalo, country singer Simone Mendes, funk artists Rogerinho and MC Danny.
But the list didn't stop there, and Anitta's latest announcement about her new production is the collaboration with MC Livinho, promising more surprises for her fans.
Feat MC Livinho
After giving an interview to Fantástico (Globo) last Sunday (24), Anitta took advantage of the repercussion of the new album to announce MC Livinho in her project. Along with the announcement, the singer released a preview of what the partnership with the funk singer will be like. “MC Livinho is already confirmed to start the marathon of hits and games“ shares the singer on her official profiles.
Watch the preview:
Announcement of the partnership Anitta and MC Livinho. (Video: Reproduction/@qgdaanitta/Instagram)
carnival album
According to the singer's social media, the new album should be released on 12/05. The album, “Ensaios da Anita” will be entirely in Portuguese. The singer said that the project will bring together artists from different styles and old music to bring new experiences to listeners.
“Ensaios da Anitta” is a project that aims to translate the essence of the carnival rehearsals that the singer promotes every year. “We are releasing this album in Portuguese, which is linked to the Carnival 'Rehearsals' that I do every year – something that makes me very happy”, he states.
Carnival rehearsal dates and locations
The musical project already has places and dates where it will appear during carnival. “Anitta’s Rehearsals” will take place between January and February, with 12 presentations in total, which will take place in São Luís, Fortaleza, Salvador, Brasília, Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, Florianópolis, São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Campinas, Belo Horizonte and Reef.
Featured photo: Anitta confirms MC Livinho on her new album. (Reproduction: @qgdaanitta/@mclivinho/Instagram)
Anitta announces another feat for the new carnival album
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Anitta announces another feat for the new carnival album