Anitta releases “Mil Vezes” in feat. with Melody
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Singer Anitta released, this Thursday (04), the remix of “Mil Veces”, which features Melody and combines the funk and piseiro genres, traditional Brazilian rhythms. The song was initially recorded in Spanish and released in October 2023, however, Anitta decided to release the remix as a way to calm the mood between the singers.
The new version
The remix, in addition to mixing the strengths of piseiro and funk, also features verses in Portuguese to cheer up the crowd and bring even more Brazilianness to the song, which seems to be just the beginning of the partnership between the singers.
Clip “Mil Vezes” (Video: reproduction/YouTube/Anitta)
Anitta commented that she always thought of Melody as a possible feature for the remix, since, in her opinion, “'Mil veces' perfectly matched Melody's timbre and style”. The Rio native also said she was very happy with the launch of the partnership and that the new version promises to be a success. “It's already stuck in my head, I'm loving this one”, concluded the “Girl From Rio” singer.
Anitta, in turn, known exactly for her marketing successful, took advantage of the history of controversies with Melody to make a joke and promote the launch. On social media, the singer shared a video dubbing an old comment by Melody, where the young singer asks Anitta to release the rights to a song.
Anitta's Instagram story (Photo: reproduction/disclosure/Instagram/@anitta)
The beginning of a partnership
In an interview with the program “Fofocalizando”, Melody said that she had received an invitation from Anitta not only for this feat, but for three other songs. “This won't be the only one”, stated the voice behind “Cara de Anjo”.
The young artist also highlighted her admiration for her industry colleague and said this was a dream come true, highlighting having learned about marketing from her and her being an inspiration.
Featured photo: Anitta and Melody release “Mil Veces” (reproduction/disclosure/Instagram/@anitta and @melodyoficial3)
Anitta releases “Mil Vezes” in feat. with Melody
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Anitta releases “Mil Vezes” in feat. with Melody