Anitta wants to collaborate with Joelma: find out more!
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After a season of success, the voice of the hit “Envolver” ended last Sunday (12), in Curitiba, another edition of the usual pre-carnival “Ensaios da Anitta”. This year, the powerful brought new features, expanding the show to seven capitals in Brazil and the expectation is that more cities will host the event in the future. With packed shows and many special appearances such as Jão, Pablo Vittar and Luiza Sonza across the capitals, the artist had a marathon of performances.
During an interview with Yahoo, the singer spoke about the possibility of taking the carnival project as a tour outside the country, asking if “the people would like it?” of hosting an “Anitta Rehearsal” in Portugal and talked about Joelma being his dream guest.
Anita. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
“I think it was a wonderful season, several states, sold out, it was wonderful… It seems like it's turning into a festival, because there are more people every hour. All the artists want to participate. The participations became more on the date and Joelma is still a dream. I really want Joelma in Ensaio, it would be really cool”, he said.
It is worth remembering that the eternal queen of Calypso continues to make waves wherever she goes with the “ Isso é Calypso Tour”. With more than 25 years of career, the diva from Pará continues to attract crowds of fans with her hits. The second part of the “ Isso é Calypso Tour Brasil ” will be held on Friday, April 14th. The project will result in a DVD recorded in 5 capitals in Brazil.
The event will take place at the CTN (Centro de Tradições Nordestinas) concert hall, in São Paulo. We can expect an event with lots of dancing, striking costumes and hair tossing, after all, the singer promises to deliver a great show.
“São Paulo is a very important place in my history. We have many incredible moments together and we are going to have one more to remember. And CTN was chosen thinking about all of this: Nostalgia, gratitude and love. I hope you all. I am preparing a show super special for this recording and full of surprises!” declared Joelma.
FEATURED PHOTO: Anitta and Joelma. (Editing: Fabielly Medina)
Anitta wants to collaborate with Joelma: find out more!
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Anitta wants to collaborate with Joelma: find out more!