'Another night I'm going to sleep asking to wake up and have it all just be a nightmare', says Maraisa
Maraisa lamented the death of Marília Mendonça, in the early hours of this Thursday (11). “Another night that I go to sleep asking to wake up and have everything be just a nightmare, I can't take this loop anymore”said the singer on her Twitter, in reference to the death of her friend in the crash of an aircraft in Piedade de Caratinga (MG), last Friday (5). Sister and country duo of Maiara, she also shared an excerpt from the song Oi, by Fabiano Cambota, with a video of Marília singing “But my smile is a weapon of dissimulation, whoever looks at my mouth loses their attention. This way I prevent them from seeing my heart cry”.
But my smile is a weapon of dissimulation
Whoever looks at my mouth gets lost in attention
I thus prevent them from seeing my heart cry https://t.co/hK1ILaHKTr— Maraisa (@Maraisa) November 11, 2021
On Monday (8), Maraisa published a print of a conversation they had shortly before the tragic accident, in which she declares herself, saying that she loves her very much and that Marília should not forget that.
Print of the conversation between Maraisa and Marília Mendonça (Photo: Reproduction/Twitter)
She also shared on social media one of the last souvenirs she received from her friend, with a dedication. “This is one of the last gifts you gave me! And I can’t stop reading this dedication and I believe that it is what you, within your greatest truth and essence, expect from all of us at this moment! Lots of love and unity, after all, no one in this world speaks better than you about love!”.
Maraisa's book with dedication by Marília Mendonça (Photo: Reproduction/Twitter)
Yesterday (10), Maiara and Maraisa announced the resumption of shows, which had been suspended. Among the participations, the duo will be in Lorena (SP), next Sunday (14), in a presentation that would be by Marília Mendonça. “And in everything I do from now on, I will have strength and be reborn every day, to prove even more how much I love you and show that it's all for you! Be sure that no one on this Earth will fight like me to honor your name and preserve everything you have achieved!”concluded Maraisa.
Featured Photo: Marília Mendonça and the duo Maiara and Maraisa. Reproduction/Twitter.
'Another night I'm going to sleep asking to wake up and have it all just be a nightmare', says Maraisa
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