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Average price of Citroen C5 insurance
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Are you looking to buy a new car, but are you thinking about the average price of Citroen C5 insurance? See how much it costs here, through some simulations.

This model has been on the market for a few years, and there are always releases with new versions that bring changes.


The latest of them, presented in China, shows a modern look for a medium SUV.

Used car insurance price tables

It comes with its own identity, with a robust body and a high hood. It also draws attention due to the 3D LED flashlights.

And to ensure the protection of your vehicle, take out Citroen C5 car insurance. Check the average prices.

What is the average price of Citroen C5 insurance

Image: Luftfahrrad


What is the average price of Citroen C5 insurance

The average price of Citroen C5 insurance is R$2,700.00. The value of insurance can vary greatly, because when establishing its price, insurers consider different factors.

The driver profile, vehicle version, market price, usage profile, coverage contracted, risks and others are evaluated. Each of them will have a different weight in pricing, resulting in the final value.

To get an idea of ​​the average price of Citroen C5 insurance, we selected some simulations. However, it can vary a lot, see some examples.

What is the average price of insurance for a 2012 Citroen C5?

The average price of insurance for the 2012 Citroen C5 is R$3,400.00. Check out the table!

Model Driver Profile Location Price
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V Aut 2012 Female, 57 years old São Paulo BRL 3,779.18
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Aut. 2012 Male, 70 years old Paraná BRL 3,585.01
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V Aut 2012 Female, 58 years old São Paulo BRL 3,080.79
C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V X7 Aut. Gas. Auto 4P 2012 Male, 55 years old R$ 3,370.14
C5 Sedan Exclusive 2.0 16V Aut 2012 Female, 69 years old Rio de Janeiro BRL 2,574.80

What is the average price of insurance for a 2011 Citroen C5?

The average price of insurance for the 2011 Citroen C5 is R$3,300.00. Check out the table!

Model Driver Profile Location Price
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Aut. 2011 Male, 48 years old Paraná R$ 3,249.11
C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 2011 Female, 63 years old Paraná BRL 3,074.50
C5 Tourer Exclusive 2.0 16V 5p Aut. 2011 Rio de Janeiro R$ 3,150.00
C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 138Hp Ap Aut 2011 Paraná R$ 4,007.56

What is the average price of insurance for a 2010 Citroen C5?

The average price of insurance for the 2010 Citroen C5 is R$2,600.00. Check out the table!

Model Driver Profile Location Price
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Aut. 2010 Male, 32 years old Minas Gerais BRL 5,291.94
C5 Excl 2.0 16V At 4P 2010 Female, 55 years old São Paulo R$ 1,745.53

What is the average price of insurance for a 2009 Citroen C5?

The average price of insurance for a 2009 Citroen C5 is R$2,500.00. Check out the table!

Model Driver Profile Location Price
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Aut. 2009 Female, 45 years old São Paulo BRL 3,100.24
C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 2009 Male, 61 years old Paraná R$ 2,265.73

What is the average price of insurance for a 2006 Citroen C5?

The average price of insurance for a 2006 Citroen C5 is R$2,300.00. Check out the table!

Model Driver Profile Location Price
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Mec. 2006 Female, 46 years old São Paulo BRL 4,873.05
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 4p Aut. 2006 Male, 45 years old Minas Gerais R$ 2,012.99
C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V Nserie Aut 4p 2006 São Paulo R$ 3,662.74
Citroen C5 Exclusive Break 2.0 16V 138cv 5p Aut. 2004 Female, 35 years old Paraná R$ 1,579.38
C5 Excl 2.0 16V At 4P 2004 Female, 52 years old Rio de Janeiro BRL 2,304.54
Citroen C5 Exclusive Break 2.0 16V 138cv 5p Aut. 2002 Female, 38 years old Paraná R$ 1,819.07
Citroen C5 Exclusive 2.0 16V 138cv 4p Mec. 2001 São Paulo R$ 1,287.56

*Source: Segfy and Seguro i. Consultation carried out in: August/2018.

In these cases we can notice a significant variation in values, which represents more than 100%. If you check, you will notice that the value of Citroen C5 insurance does not change much by location.

In other words, in one place you will find the price of Citroen C5 car insurance ranging from R$ 1,745.53 to R$ 5,291.94. But you can get the exact cost of insurance for your car by getting a personalized quote.

To do this, consider quoting online, so you receive prices and plans from several insurers and can choose the best one.


How to get a quote for the Citroen C5

Knowing that there can be so many variations in value in the Citroen C5 insurance quote, if you want to protect your vehicle, the best option is to request a personalized quote.

To do this, contact a broker and explain all your needs so that he or she can carry out a survey and send you a proposal.

Once you receive the proposal, you can analyze whether it suits you well, check the coverage and also the values.

This way, you can have a Citroen C5 insurance simulation, without having to base it only on the average price, but on its exact value.


Here at you can quote online, quickly and safely. Just provide some information to receive plans from different reliable insurance companies.

Then, you can compare what each one offers on the same page. Please wait, as a Susep-accredited broker will contact you.

Take advantage and ask him your questions and find out about the Citroen C5 insurance deductible.


Quote the price of your Auto Insurance now!

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* is not responsible for the amounts mentioned here, as the price of insurance may vary depending on the profile of each driver.


Average price of Citroen C5 insurance

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Average price of Citroen C5 insurance


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Average price of Citroen C5 insurance

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