Black Friday 2024 brings growth expectations for Brazilian e-commerce

by James Williams
Black Friday 2024 brings growth expectations for Brazilian e commerce

Black Friday 2024 brings growth expectations for Brazilian e-commerce
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Black Friday 2024 will take place from November (29) to December (2), with the promise of growth in revenue compared to the year 2023. According to the Brazilian Electronic Commerce Association (ABComm), an increase of 10, 18% is expected, making the sector generate R$7.93 billion. This significant increase comes from expected consumption, totaling 10.7 million orders placed, with the average purchase ticket at R$738; which signals a greater volume in transactions, emphasizing the popularity of the event with each passing year.

Beyond expectation

Electronics, household appliances, health, beauty and fashion appear among the most searched product categories. The discounts on these segments, which are highly sought after by consumers, attract new fans every year. It’s common to hear the famous phrase “I’m going to leave it to buy on Black Friday”.

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Combining consumption expectations with Brazilians' desire to purchase, some challenges must be faced in the race for good prices, such as: guaranteeing stock availability and logistics. Meeting growing demand and avoiding negative impact on the consumer experience is the key point for everything to go well in another immersive week of shopping across Brazil.

Man making logistics report (Photo: Reproduction/Freepik)

Man making logistics report (Photo/reproduction/Freepik)

Another issue in this saga that stands out is the use of Pix for agile payments, which results in convenience when completing purchases. In addition to facilitating transactions at times of high purchasing volume such as Black Friday, the Central Bank's instant payment system has been used by almost 50% of individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEIs) as their main form of payment.

Consolidated season

E-commerce in Brazil has consolidated the Black Friday season as one of the most important dates. ABComm points out that revenue should triple, generating R$ 11.63 billion during the event, which goes beyond what commonly occurs in a conventional sales week.

Shopkeepers and consumers will have a “short” but intense journey at this time, which generates a considerable portion of the country's economy. Between dreams of consumption and preparations for the end of the year celebrations, the most anticipated shopping moment of the year is on its way, bringing with it attractive prices and job opportunities that range from temporary to possible permanent positions.

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Search and consumption behavior on the internet (Photo: Reproduction/Freepik)

Search and consumption behavior on the internet (Photo/reproduction/Freepik)

Even in an environment of economic recovery and many other crisis factors, the probability of success highlighted by ABComm highlights the resilience and strength of the Brazilian market. Marketing strategies are born from the precision of internet search and purchasing behavior algorithms, resulting in floods of exclusive promotions and rewards programs, personalizing offers to attract both new and experienced consumers.

Featured photo: online purchasing dynamics (Photo/Reproduction/Pixabay)

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Black Friday 2024 brings growth expectations for Brazilian e-commerce


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Black Friday 2024 brings growth expectations for Brazilian e-commerce

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