blind spot in new twisted revolt arena
In the second test event of Atlético-MG’s new arena, fans revolted with blind spots in the stands facing the field; Arena MRV positioned itself
the stadium of Atlético-MG it is getting closer and closer to being inaugurated, but despite the crowd’s anxiety, the test event that took place last weekend generated complaints about the vision for the field. Fans took to social networks to demonstrate their indignation with blind spots from the stands to the pitch.
This happened in the friendly match between idols and stars who have played at the club, which took place last Sunday, the 16th. With 20,000 people, Ronaldinho, Dada and many other stars participated in the first game at Arena MRV, which despite being modern, had the frustration of those who stayed in the Inter Sul sector.
This is the point where those present at the stadium most complained about the view of the field. Photos were published on social networks showing that it was not possible to see the goal closest to the stands in question, which generated indignation, and made the club take a position on the subject.
According to the published note, the fact that fans were standing during the match is the reason why it was not possible to have the full view of the game. In this way, it was said that if people choose to stand in this particular place, they will disturb those who are further back, as seen in the images.

See note:
“Regarding complaints from fans whose visibility was impaired at the Inter Sul Level, at the Lendas do Galo event, we emphasize that the passageway is not a place designed for fans to stand up, leaning on the guardrail. This attitude will really hurt the fan who is in the seats right behind.
It is important to highlight that the MRV Arena is fully accessible, with 460 spaces for wheelchair users, at all levels, each with a seat for a companion, with comfort, safety and good visibility. Throughout the Inter Sul level, there are designated and demarcated places for this public.
It is inadmissible for fans to occupy these spaces, either to stand or extend banners, undermining the PCD’s right to also comfortably follow the events.
The MRV Arena is home to all Atlético fans and is already studying solutions to minimize these facts, either with awareness campaigns or the performance of the stadium security team.”
blind spot in new twisted revolt arena
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