Cauã Reymond's brother debuts in new 9pm soap opera
If one Cauã Reymond is already successful, two would be even more successful. Is that possible? In the next Globo soap opera, yes! In “Um Lugar ao Sol”, the heartthrob will play the twins Christian and Cristofer. And the stunt double is his real-life brother, Pável Reymond, who is eight years younger.
In an interview with Fantástico, Cauã said that this is a “stuntman full of love”. And he also showered his brother with praise: “I think he was extremely brave, it’s not easy to enter the set of a 9pm soap opera, with an extremely complex plot”.
Pável faced the challenge with great courage, since he is a veterinarian. But his interest in the artistic world is nothing new. The 33-year-old has worked as a model and professional photographer, participating as an assistant in the film “Não Devore Meu Coração”, by Felipe Bragança. “I believe that this moment of transformation, during the pandemic, has made us have to reinvent ourselves”.
To look even more like Cauã, he needed to gain muscle mass, especially in the upper body. He did weight training and boxing classes.
Pável during boxing class. (Photo: Reproduction/G1)
In the plot, the twins are separated before they turn one. Cristofer is adopted by a couple and is renamed Renato, while Christian goes to a shelter. They only reunite 18 years later. In real life, the Reymond brothers say they felt touched and thought a lot about their mother when they acted together, who passed away two years ago. She, who was also adopted and a single mother, always wanted and intensified the boys' union. With the soap opera, they were able to value their love and friendship for each other even more.
Special appearance by Pável, as Josias, in “Um Lugar ao Sol” (Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo)
Pável faced the new challenge so well that he was invited to do some chapters, as Josias, a valet who works with Christian (Cauã Reymond). The soap opera will air next Monday (09).
Featured Photo: Cauã Reymond and his brother, Pável Reymond. Reproduction/Instagram
Cauã Reymond's brother debuts in new 9pm soap opera
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