CBF breaks silence on Brasileirão betting scheme
Through president Ednaldo Rodrigues, CBF commented on the suspicion of match-fixing within Brazilian football
We cannot suspend the competition. It is not (accusation) of a manager, it is not of a club president, it is not of a referee. This is being done by athletes. The CBF expects to have the rigor of who is doing the investigations. The CBF has no power of police and justice“, said Ednaldo.
“When there is this (suspicion of manipulation), we forward it to the STJD. That the perpetrators be suspended in accordance with the laws. Call everyone. I want to show the documentation with Fifa. The measures that the CBF may be taking, the contribution to inhibit the situation. By the way, in the next meeting involving clubs in the meeting in Serie A, B, C“, he said in contact with Uol.
On the afternoon of this Wednesday, the 10th, Brazilian football went into crisis for good. With the investigation surrounding the suspicion of manipulation of results, the MP-GO is giving more details of the case. So far, 16 players have been officially denounced for participating in the betting scheme to force yellow and red cards in the 2022 Brasileirão.

Are they: Eduardo Bauermann (Santos), Gabriel Tota (Ypiranga), Paulo Miranda (without club), Igor Cariús (Sport), Victor Ramos (Chapecoense), Fernando Neto (São Bernardo) and Matheus Gomes (without club). All of these will be judged and may even be banned from the sport. Other names made an agreement and escaped the complaint.
This is the case of Moraes (Youth), Kevin Lomónaco (Bragantino), Nikolas Farias (Novo Hamburgo) and Jarro Pedroso (São Luiz). All these names assumed participation in the betting scheme and gave inside information about the scheme. In addition to those mentioned, MP-GO has a list of players who were mentioned in conversations between bettors.
CBF breaks silence on Brasileirão betting scheme
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