Central Bank of Brazil announces that “forgotten money” can be withdrawn until October 16th

by James Williams
Central Bank of Brazil announces that "forgotten money" can be
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Central Bank of Brazil announces that “forgotten money” can be withdrawn until October 16th
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Anyone who has any amount forgotten in the SVR, which is the Amounts Receivable System of the Central Bank of Brazil, will have until October 16th to withdraw the amount. There are R$8.56 billion available to be withdrawn, according to the BC. The system makes it possible to consult individuals and even deceased people, as well as companies that have forgotten money in the bank, consortiums, etc. To carry out the consultation and have information on how to request the return of money from individuals, legal entities, including deceased people, simply access www.valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br.

Find out if you have “forgotten money”; find out how

Through the Central Bank system, the amounts will be released to people who provide a PIX key so that the amount can be returned. If the person does not have a PIX key registered, they will need to contact the institution to receive payment. Another way to withdraw money is to make a key and return to the system and make the request.

Amounts receivable relating to deceased people, you must be a testamentary heir, legal representative or executor to make the query, in addition to filling out a liability waiver to access the data. Then, after the consultation, it will be necessary to contact the institutions where there are values ​​and receive and investigate the procedures.

Embed from Getty Images

Real Banknotes (Photo: reproduction/Erlon Silva/Getty Images Embed)

BC warns people not to fall for scams

The Central Bank warns the population not to fall for scams and advises people not to click on suspicious links, via email, SMS, Telegram or WhatsApp. The institution reinforces that it does not send links nor does it contact any person to discuss financial amounts to be received or to confirm personal data. The BC also reinforces that citizens do not make any type of payment to access the amounts if they are available.

Featured photo: 50, 100 and 200 reais notes (Reproduction: Priscila Zambotto/Getty Images Embed)

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Central Bank of Brazil announces that “forgotten money” can be withdrawn until October 16th


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Central Bank of Brazil announces that “forgotten money” can be withdrawn until October 16th

#Central #Bank #Brazil #announces #forgotten #money #withdrawn #October #16th

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