Coala Festival announces Jorge Ben Jor and Don L as unmissable attractions!

by Clare Dominic
Coala Festival announces Jorge Ben Jor and Don L as

Coala Festival announces Jorge Ben Jor and Don L as unmissable attractions!
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On September 15, 16 and 17, another edition of the Coala Festival will take place at the Memorial da América Latina, in São Paulo, and the event's production announced the MPB legend Jorge Ben Jor and the rapper Don L as new attractions in the shows.

The artists join a lineup full of big names, including Marina Lima and Fernanda Abreuwho will take the stage together for the first time. Don L will take the stage on the 16th, while Ben Jor, the voice of “Tropical Country”will have the mission of closing the third day of presentations. Tickets for the Festival are now available on the Total Acesso platform, with prices starting at R$ 160.00 for half-price tickets.

Jorge Ben Jor is confirmed as an attraction at the Coala Festival (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@coalafestival)

In this edition, Coala will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Os Novos Baianos with an exclusive show, also featuring the participation of Baby do Brasil, Pepeu Gomes and Paulinho Boca de Cantor. In addition, the BaianaSystem + Olodum (OlodumBaiana) project will perform for the first time in São Paulo. Angela Ro Ro and Letrux; Martinho da Vila and João Donato; Fafá de Belém, Johnny Hooker, Lucas Estrela and Suraras do Tapajós are also confirmed to be present.

Ferrugem and IZA together at the "Me Perdoa" pagoda

Don L is confirmed as an attraction at the Coala Festival (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram/@coalafestival)

Check out the Coala Festival line-up:

Friday (September 15):

– Fafá de Belém with special participation by Johnny Hooker;
– FBC;
– Olodum Baiana;
– Pericles.

Saturday (September 16):

– John Donato and Martinho da Vila;
– Novos Baianos 50 years;
– Simone;
– Don L;
– Suraras of Tapajós with special participation by Lucas Estrela.

Sunday (September 17):

– Angela Ro Ro and Letrux;
– Marina Lima and Fernanda Abreu;
– Jorge Ben Jor;

The “Passe Coala” (ticket for the three days of the event) costs R$490.00. The “Mini Passe Coala” (tickets for two days combined) costs R$330.00. The “Inteira” (entry for one day) – Lot 1 costs around R$320.00. For R$240.00 you can purchase the “Solidária” (entry for one day) – Lot 1 and the “Meia Entrada” (entry for one day) – Lot 1 costs R$160.00.

Featured photo: Jorge Ben Jor and Don L. Reproduction/Disclosure/Coala Festival

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Coala Festival announces Jorge Ben Jor and Don L as unmissable attractions!

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Coala Festival announces Jorge Ben Jor and Don L as unmissable attractions!

#Coala #Festival #announces #Jorge #Ben #Jor #Don #unmissable #attractions

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