Cold, flu or COVID-19? Learn how to identify and what to do
With the onset of winter, temperatures drop, rainfall increases, and the human body suffers from this. At this time of year, many Brazilians are affected by a cold. Or would it be the flu? Maybe it’s COVID-19? That is the question, because all these diseases are caused by viruses and present similar symptoms, it is difficult to know how to differentiate one from the other and, therefore, to know what measures should be taken.
Each of these diseases is caused by a different agent, the the flu comes from the virus influenza family; O coldper rhinovirus, adenovirus, between others; and the COVID-19 (as many already know) by SARS-CoV-2from the coronavirus family. Despite the distinct agents, the symptoms are similar (such as cough, fever, malaise and tiredness, sore throat) and are transmitted in the same way: droplets of respiratory secretions from an infected person.
Symptom chart to aid identification. Obs.: it is not a pattern and can occur differently in each person. (Photo: Reproduction/Americas Med)
These viral diseases, which affect the respiratory system, cause several doubts to identify which one is present. Indications, such as the way in which the symptoms develop, may provide some clues, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. If you want a medical opinion right at the onset of symptoms, a telecare consultation may be useful. The painting having a worsening, seek in-person service.
After facing a worldwide pandemic, there is little care, so “even before finding out if it is COVID or waiting for the end of the symptoms, home isolation must be immediately started to prevent the person from contaminating others”, says Dr. Renata Beranger, infectologist and coordinator of the Infection Control Commission at Hospital Samaritano Botafogo, in Rio de Janeiro. Furthermore, she emphasizes that “correctly identifying the problem makes all the difference to ensure proper treatment and good patient recovery“.
It is worth noting that even if you are immunized against COVID-19 and have your flu vaccine up to date, none of the options should be ruled out. Vaccines help the body, but none are 100% effective.. Try to evaluate your symptoms before seeking medical help, but if you suspect COVID-19, seek care.
Featured Photo: Sick woman. Reproduction/Freepik.
Cold, flu or COVID-19? Learn how to identify and what to do
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