Cyclone that hits the south of the country brings winds of up to 100 km / h

by James Williams
Cyclone that hits the south of the country brings winds

Cyclone that hits the south of the country brings winds of up to 100 km / h

The Brazilian Navy issued this Tuesday (11) the warning of bad weather for the coastal regions in the south of the country, aiming to prepare citizens for this cold front that is to come. Rio Grande do Sul, in particular, is waiting for a new extratropical cyclone, which is expected to start this Wednesday morning. Furthermore, according to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), an area of ​​continental low pressure, positioned between northern Argentina and Paraguay, is gaining intensity and is expected to extend beyond southern Brazil.

In addition, the governments of the states of the Southern Region of Brazil also made their alert to the population. Paraná, despite being the state where the phenomenon will be milder, according to the Environmental Technology and Monitoring System (Simepar-PR), warned the state population about the intense winds and low temperature during this period.


The government of Santa Catarina also made a statement together with several recommendations on how to behave in situations of strong storms.


Based on this warning and recommendations, the Civil Defense of the state also declared the warning valid between the 11th and 13th of this month, with a risk of hail, electrical discharges and isolated storms in the North, Northwest and Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul.

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By the way, for this Wednesday, there is between 60 mm and 100 mm/day of accumulated rain, with wind gusts of up to 90 km/h being forecast. In the coastal strip, risk of undertow is also expected. On Thursday, wind gusts exceed 90 km/h and can reach up to 110 km/h, in addition to constant rains with accumulated amounts of around 45 and 60 mm/day in that area. The expectation is for very rough seas.

“This low pressure moves through the southern region, stops near the coast and will cause a lot of wind, rain with considerable volumes, mainly in Rio Grande do Sul, reaching Santa Catarina and even the south of Paraná”explains Inmet meteorologist Andrea Ramos.

Due to the adverse weather, the government of Rio Grande do Sul prepared a letter that was sent to the CBF, last Tuesday night (11), requesting the postponement of the match scheduled for this Wednesday night at the Arena, against Bahia, for the return of the quarterfinals of the Copa do Brasil, thus aiming at the safety of thousands of fans and service providers that this event brings together.

still in front of #alert of the extratropical cyclone, we sent a letter to Grêmio, FGF and CBF requesting the postponement of the game scheduled for this Wednesday night at the Arena. Precaution is important considering that it involves displacement of thousands of people and mobilization of services.

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— Sebastião Melo (@SebastiaoMelo) July 11, 2023 “>

From this, a response from the CBF is still expected.


This Tuesday, the storm that covers Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, was classified as “dangerous” by the degree of severity of Inmet. According to the meteorologist, what is expected is between 30 and 60 mm/day or 50 and 100 mm/day of accumulated rain, with a risk of hail.

As a result of the accumulation of water, the Civil Defense also issued an alert for flash floods. It is necessary to pay attention to landslides in the same way. Some landslides were shared, as in Lebon Régis, in Santa Catarina.

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Landslide in Lebon Régis, Santa Catarina. (Photo: reproduction/Firefighters/Disclosure)

In addition to this landslide, another incident happened in Santa Catarina, but this time it was in Treze Tílias.

Treze Tílias, in SC, where the state highway gave way late Tuesday afternoon. (Photo: reproduction/NSC TV)

The SC-355 runway, located on the Caçador Line, gave way due to heavy rain in the late afternoon of Tuesday (12). The State Infrastructure Secretariat has already been activated.

Featured photo: INMET issues alert for heavy rains and winds of up to 100kmh. Playback/OGlobo

Cyclone that hits the south of the country brings winds of up to 100 km / h

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