Dengue vaccination in SP is expanded to children and adolescents
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Starting today, Wednesday (10), all children and adolescents aged between 10 and 14, residents or students in the city of São Paulo, will have access to the dengue vaccine.
The doses of the vaccine will be made available in 471 Basic Health Units (UBS), with application hours from 7am to 7pm, from Monday to Friday, and also on Saturdays, in the integrated AMAs/UBSs units, in the same period.
Recently, doses of the dengue vaccine were distributed to children and adolescents aged 10 to 14, but limited to the regions of Itaquera, in the east zone, and Vila Jaguara, in the west zone. This was due to a surplus of more than 8,000 doses from other regions of the country, which were reallocated to areas with the highest incidence of the disease, as indicated by the city hall.
The city has now received 177,679 doses of the vaccine from the National Immunization Program (PNI), justifying the expansion of vaccination. To date, the São Paulo State Health Department has registered more than 140,000 cases of dengue in the capital, with 39 confirmed deaths and 137 under investigation.
Check out the awareness campaign to combat Aedes aegypti at train, subway and bus stations (Reproduction/Instagram/@governosp)
Documents required for vaccination
To receive the vaccine, the child or adolescent must be accompanied by a guardian, as well as present their identity document, vaccination card and proof of residence or school, as required by the City Hall. In addition, information about vaccination against dengue is available on the State Department of Health's “De Olho na Carteirinha” page.
Vaccine application in schools
Initially, the municipal administration planned to carry out vaccination in schools, however, following guidance from the Ministry of Health, the doses will be administered exclusively in Basic Health Units (UBSs).
Vaccination Restrictions
Children with active or suspected dengue fever should wait six months before receiving the vaccine, as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to the previous dose of the vaccine and those who are immunosuppressed should not receive the vaccine.
Featured photo: Scientist injects red liquid into flask (Reproduction/Image Bank/Shopify)
Dengue vaccination in SP is expanded to children and adolescents
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Dengue vaccination in SP is expanded to children and adolescents