Discover the Nike Run SP routes

by Rosabella Eboh
Discover the Nike Run SP routes

Discover the Nike Run SP routes
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We obtained the design of the routes for the American brand's race scheduled to take place on July 14th

The Nike Run SP routes

The Nike Run SP will have a different format, with four races taking place simultaneously (5, 10, 15 and 21.1 km), starting at different points in the city and a common finish, Charles Miller Square, which is in front of the Estádio do Pacaembu.

Initially, the routes were scheduled to end inside the stadium's athletics track, so I think that the routes may have been made with the idea that Allegra Pacaembu would not be able to deliver the renovation of the track and stadium in time for the event (show and activations). scheduled), just as had already happened with the Roberto Carlos show in April, which was cancelled.

The interesting thing is that there are new points that will be covered in the city, which shows the strength and influence of the brand and the ability to convince public authorities on the part of X3M, which will be the organizer of the race (the company is part of the conglomerate that includes Centauro and Nike).

I don't remember any race route in São Paulo that has already taken the Radial Leste, for example (in the 15 km) or a route in which you run along almost the entire length of Avenida São João (10 km) or even run along 23 de Maio towards the center and then use the Jaceguai viaduct, enter Brigadeiro Luis Antônio and continue towards Minhocão. These are drawings showing parts of the city that had never been explored in this way.

In any case, it is important to say that the files we obtained are just a representation of the routes, which, by the way, have already been checked but have not yet been officially approved by CBAt. Note, also, that there was no concern in designing in such a way as to make the distances of the tests perfectly correct.

The maps arrived here from a very reliable source, but are subject to change if it is possible to place the finish line inside the stadium or if there is any road obstruction. Check out the routes below with altitude calculated by Strava.

The 21 km start in front of Monumento das Bandeiras (the famous push) towards the neighborhood, go around, follow 23 de Maio in the direction of Congonhas Airport, return, go towards the center, turn left after Praça dos Artesões Calabrenses, follow the Jaceguai viaduct, Brigadeiro Luis Antônio, Rua Amaral Gurgel, Minhocão, go down Rua Marta, continue to Rua Norma Pieruccini Gianotti, make a U-turn and then follow Avenida Pacaembu with a small extension along Avenida Arnorfo Azevedo, return and arrives at Charles Miller Square.

The 15 km starts in Mooca, from inside EMEI Marcilio Dias, takes Alcântara Machado Avenue, Glicério Viaduct, Radial Leste Avenue, Minhocão, goes down Marta Street, continues to Norma Pieruccini Gianotti Street, makes a U-turn and then continues along Avenida Pacaembu with a small extension along Avenida Arnorfo Azevedo, returns and arrives at Praça Charles Miller.

The 10 km starts in front of Pátio do Colégio, where São Paulo was founded, continues along Rua Boa Vista, passes through Largo do São Bento, Rua Líbero Badaró, Viaduto do Chá, Municipal Theater with Ramos de Azevedo square, Avenida São João until Minhocão, goes down Rua Marta, continues to Rua Norma Pieruccini Gianotti, makes a U-turn and then follows Avenida Pacaembu with a small extension along Avenida Arnorfo Azevedo, returns and arrives at Praça Charles Miller.

The 5 km starts at the Memorial da América Latina, goes left on Avenida Pacaembu, continues until Rua Norma Pieruccini Gianotti, makes a U-turn and then follows Avenida Pacaembu and arrives at Praça Charles Miller.

Now that you know what the routes will be like, you can know what to expect from the race you chose to run.

Discover the Nike Run SP routes

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Discover the Nike Run SP routes

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