Diversity in the cast of Renascer is historic. Look!

by Clare Dominic
Diversity in the cast of Renascer is historic Look!

Diversity in the cast of Renascer is historic. Look!

Rodrigo Simas, Gabriela Medeiros, Samantha Jones, Alice Oak, Irandhir dos Santos, Matheus Nachetergaele. In addition to all being Renascer actors, they have something in common and quite representative: They are all part of the LGBTQIAP+ community, highlighting the diversity in the 9pm plot.

Rodrigo Simas was afraid of losing roles because of his sexuality

In the prime time soap opera, everyone has an important role. Some even deal openly with sexuality, like the characters in Gabriela It is Seamus.

The transsexual actress who plays Buba, a role that in the first version was a hermaphrodite (a person who has both male and female sexual organs), deals with her passion for a straight man in the plot.

The person in question is José Venâncio, role of Rodrigo Simas. While the son of José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira) questions his own sexuality and does not understand the feeling, Rodrigo it is very well resolved. And today it exalts the diversity in the plot.

In March last year, Rodrigo Simas revealed to be bisexual. The 32-year-old artist, however, stated that he was afraid of the reactions, especially because he belongs to a family “of heartthrobs”. For him, diversity must exist.

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“I've never exposed it, but I'm a bisexual man. It's a label, but I feel mature and calm to talk about it now. I'm a free guy. I believe in freedom of choice, of being whatever we want”, said the actor, finally.

Openly gay, Irandhir He is married to professor and doctor in Social Sciences Roberto Efrem Filho — to whom he often makes statements on social media.

Like the other actors and actresses from the LGBTQIAP+ community in the series, he recognizes the relevance of diversity in the history of Bruno Luperi.

Alice Carvalho dates art director

The interpreter of Joana de Renascer, lives love intensely alongside the art director Chica Caldas. The two met while recording “Cangaço Novo”, two years ago.

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Thus, the romance began in 2021, during the pandemic and November 11th, the date on which they began their relationship, was celebrated by both on social media.

Samantha Jones dates actress

Find out everything about Samantha Jones, Zinha de Renascer

The 26-year-old Bahian woman is also dating the actress Manu Morelli, 23, with whom he keeps exchanging statements on social media. The two have been together for a few years now.

“I am bi. They exist, how crazy!” said Samantha, when asked on social media.

Gabriela Medeiros highlights trans diversity

Buba's interpreter, Gabriela Medeiros, 22 years old, is a trans actress and in Renascer she plays the transsexual Buba. In the original version, Buba was called a hermaphrodite and was played by a cisgender woman, the actress Maria Luisa Mendonça.

Casting Gabriela Medeiros is a historic act at Globo

Gabriela spoke about her gender transition when posting a childhood photo on Instagram: “If I could hug that child in the photo, I would tell her that: you were not born in the wrong body, that your way of being is special, that your looking at the world is unique, that your sensitivity is not a sign of weakness. I would also tell this child not to cry anymore when they cut his hair, that eventually it will grow back; I would say not to withdraw your body because you are ashamed of being who you are,” she wrote.

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Matheus Nachtrgaele does not define himself

In 2014, Matheus Nachtergaele revealed that he was bisexual. He then stated that he tried to define himself sexually, but that “it was no use”.

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According to him, no one “fits on a shelf” when it comes to sexuality and that everyone has their own definition.

“I no longer think about lesbians, gays, straights, bisexuals… I can't think in those terms because I realize that each human being has their own sexuality. I believe that, as many people as there are in the world, that's how many sexualities there are. And, what’s more, we have to remember that it is changing,” she declared.

Diversity in the cast of Renascer is historic. Look!

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#Diversity #cast #Renascer #historic

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