Diving can cause spinal cord injuries, paralysis and other accidents; check out ways to prevent this summer

Diving can cause spinal cord injuries
Diving can cause spinal cord injuries – Summer is the season associated with vacations and refreshing destinations such as beaches, waterfalls and swimming pools. But it is at this time that diving is the second leading cause of spinal cord injury according to the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SBOT). According to experts, the impacts of an unsuccessful dive or in inappropriate areas can cause injuries throughout the body, from dislocations and twists, to head trauma and injuries that cause paraplegia and quadriplegia. In addition, unexpected circumstances such as rapids can cause other forms of accidents.

Diving can cause spinal cord injuries

Diving can cause spinal cord injuries

Diving in a waterfall (Reproduction/Pixabay)

As it happens

    • Presence of obstacles: In any type of diving environment, especially in shallow water, there may be obstacles, including hidden ones. The presence of slippery and sharp stones and tree trunks can cause accidents during jumps, especially if they are not seen by swimmers;
    • Unexpected circumstances: If the bath is in deep water, such as in the sea or in waterfalls, it is possible that people experience unexpected situations, such as whirlpools, waterspouts and currents, in addition to the possibility of having a bad feeling or encountering animals big and brave. This situation is even more common if the bather is a tourist, as he may not be aware of the typical dangers of the region;
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    • Risky ways of jumping: In the context of relaxation, it is common for people to try to do acrobatics when jumping into the water. However, they can cause injuries by the way the individual will hit the water. It is not recommended that individuals with no diving experience perform jumps from high places, such as springboards;
    • Jumping on your feet is risky as the body’s perpendicular, almost straight angle can cause foot and leg fractures, dislocations and twists;
    • Jumping headlong, especially in shallow places, with the presence of hidden obstacles, can cause injuries to the spine, which can cause paraplegia, which causes loss of muscle function in the lower part of the body. When the impact reaches the spinal cord, there is the possibility of being affected by quadriplegia, when movements are lost from the neck down.

How to avoid

    • Avoid murky waters, with low depth visibility and the presence of objects;
    • Do not dive after ingesting alcoholic beverages or substances that affect reasoning;
    • Do not run on the edge of pools;
    • Do not jump from high places;
    • Do not jump with somersaults, standing up, headfirst or backwards;
    • Do not push other people to dive into the water;
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    • Do not provoke others to jump, nor jump because you are provoked;
    • Observe the presence of objects or materials that can cause accidents, such as stones and tree trunks.

Featured photo: Jumping into the sea (Reproduction/Pixabay)

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Diving can cause spinal cord injuries

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