Drought situation declared in 20 municipalities in Amazonas

by James Williams

Drought situation declared in 20 municipalities in Amazonas
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The state of Amazonas is experiencing a drought in 20 municipalities in the Juruá, Purus and Alto Solimões river basins. The situation occurred because the river levels in all the Amazon basins were below what was expected for this time of year, and there is a large difference based on comparisons from previous years by the Civil Defense. The State declared an emergency this Friday (05), and an environmental emergency due to the fires in the south of Amazonas, Manaus and the metropolitan region.

Drought situation (Photo: reproduction/Reuters Bruno Kelly/Uol.com.br)

Water Quota

Rio Negro reached 26.70 meters this Friday (5), however in previous years it was identified that on that same day, the quota was 27.89 meters (2023) and 29.59 meters (2022). Governor Wilson Lima informed that the importance of the emergency decree is to provide due support to the community, and highlighted the importance of mobilization so that a communication relationship can be established with the Federal Government. “It is important for us to have an umbrella of legality to make the decisions and actions that we are going to take, so that this help can arrive as soon as possible.” informed the Governor.

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Boat traveling along the Amazon River affected by drought (Photo: reproduction: AP Photo/Edmar Barros/G1.globo.com)

Less Impact on the State's Population

The government signed an order that will prohibit the use of controlled burning techniques in cities, with a state emergency decree in 22 cities in the south of the state and the metropolitan region of Manaus. After a month of action, 560 fires were fought in the municipalities in the south of the state and the metropolitan region of the capital through Operation Aceiro 2024, coordinated by the military fire department. Last year, the state experienced a serious problem with smoke in the capital, which prohibited the use of fire. Eduardo Taveiro, head of the State Secretariat for the Environment, reports that the Environmental Emergency Decree addresses innovations and determines air quality criteria, in addition to defining and highlighting the attributions of government entities. A committee of 33 state secretaries was established by the government to take all preventive and rapid response actions. A technical-scientific committee must notify authorities in situations related to serious climate change.

The Government of Amazonas has been taking measures and working on planning actions in the event of a new possible drought, thinking about less impact on the state's population.

Health medicines, supply of drinking water, maintenance of the state network, but voluntary work has been the main focus for future Government activities.

Featured photo: Drought (reproduction/Alex Pazuello- Secom/PortalNorte.com.br)

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Drought situation declared in 20 municipalities in Amazonas

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Drought situation declared in 20 municipalities in Amazonas

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