Erika Schneider, muse of Porto da Pedra, regrets the school's relegation
Porto da Pedra, a school in São Gonçalo, metropolitan region of Rio, was relegated in the 2024 Carnival and will march in the Gold Series in the 2025 Carnival. Muse of the association for the first year, Erika Schneider used social media to lament the result.
“I was following the investigation with a heavy heart from the beginning, but still with hope, which was diminishing with each question. It's quite sad. I'm scared by the scores of Porto da Pedra, which had a beautiful carnival“, she begins.
Erika Schneider for the Carnival parade (Photo: reproduction/ Leandro Muller)
Muse of Porto da Pedra, Erika Schneider (Photo: reproduction/ Leandro Muller)
“I can't say it's unfair, but I also can't understand the jury's assessment. Regardless of the result, the love for the school, segments, school board and everyone from São Gonçalo, who also welcomed me, will remain in my heart“, to be continued.
In addition to being the muse of Porto da Pedra, Erika holds the same position at Águia de Ouro, in São Paulo.
Featured photo: Erika Schneider in costume for the Carnival parade (Reproduction/ Leandro Muller)
Erika Schneider, muse of Porto da Pedra, regrets the school's relegation
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