experts warn about the dangers of tattooing them on the face

by stephen Douglas
experts warn about the dangers of tattooing them on the

experts warn about the dangers of tattooing them on the face

On Tik Tok, there are many videos that show step-by-step makeup and product tips to simulate fake freckles, which is something that can give a very natural touch and suits summer. However, another current trend is sardines made using the tattoo technique, which may not be safe.

Dermatologist Marcella Alves, from the Les Peaux clinic, answered some questions on the topic.

1 – Is it possible to remove this fake sardine tattoo with some type of dermatological treatment, if those who use the technique get sick of this current trend (common especially among young people)?

Yes, micropigments are not permanent, as the person's immune system gradually eliminates them from the body. To reverse or remove the effects of micropigmentation, there are depigmentation methods, such as chemical peels or laser treatments. These approaches aim to attenuate or eliminate pigments deposited in the skin, providing an option for those who wish to modify or reverse the results of micropigmentation. It is worth noting that the choice of depigmentation method must be carefully evaluated, considering the individual characteristics of the skin and the necessary post-treatment care.

2 – When removing fake sardines with a procedure in an office, is it possible that they won't come out completely?

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The complete removal of freckles performed through in-office micropigmentation may vary depending on several factors, including the depth of pigment application, the type of pigment used and the individual response of the patient. each person's skin. In some cases, it may be possible to remove false freckles completely, especially with depigmentation procedures such as chemical peels or laser treatments.

However, it is important to highlight that complete removal may not be guaranteed in all cases, and multiple sessions may be necessary. Additionally, consultation with a qualified professional is crucial to assess the feasibility of removal and determine the best course of action based on the specific characteristics of the micropigmentation and the individual's skin.

3 – Over time, experts point out that there is a change in the color of these fake sardines, due to oxidation of the ink used to make the tattoo. This could make it difficult to diagnose skin cancer, for example, or another type of skin disease?

The change in color of fake freckles, caused by the oxidation of the dye used in micropigmentation, can, in theory, present challenges in diagnosing skin conditions such as gray hair. Skin cancer. Changes in the tone of artificial freckles can interfere with the visual assessment of skin irregularities, making it difficult to detect suspicious signs. However, when Dermatoscopy is performed (through the use of a device called a dermatoscope, which can increase the actual size by up to 400 times through a lens with a light, placed on the skin), it is easy to make the distinction between the two things… And only a qualified Dermatologist is capable of taking and analyzing the images to reach this conclusion and final diagnosis.

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Therefore, it is crucial that healthcare professionals are aware of this aspect when examining patients who have undergone micropigmentation procedures, as changing the color of artificial freckles can present a challenge. visual for clinical diagnosis.

Featured photo: freckles (Reproduction/blog.oceane)

experts warn about the dangers of tattooing them on the face

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