Federal Police attribute Bolsonaro and his advisors to attempted coup d'état
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The Federal Police (PF) will emphasize, in a report on the attempted coup d'état, the accountability of former president Jair Bolsonaro, his advisors and the military personnel involved. The document, which should be completed this Thursday (21) and sent to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), will include indictments related to the conception, organization and attempted execution of coup actions against the Democratic Rule of Law in Brazil.
Although the initial report does not foresee requests for arrest, it may be supplemented at a later stage, especially after the developments of Operation Countercoup.
Operation Countercoup
Operation Countercoup investigates a plan drawn up in 2022 to prevent the inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Geraldo Alckmin, including extreme measures such as assassinations of political leaders and STF ministers. Among those investigated are special forces soldiers, as well as other suspects. The investigation also revealed the illicit use of public resources and well-structured clandestine tactics, highlighting the coup attempt as an articulated and planned action. The operations carried out resulted in arrests, searches, seizures and suspension of public functions, linking the case to the undemocratic acts of the 2022 elections and the attacks of January 8, 2023.
Lula (Photo: reproduction/Getty Images Embed/CARL DE SOUZA
“Green and Yellow Dagger” Plan
One of the main focuses of the investigation is the plan called “Green and Yellow Dagger”, which provided for detailed actions to eliminate elected president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, vice-president Geraldo Alckmin and STF minister Alexandre de Moraes. With a high degree of technical and military sophistication, the plan included the use of explosives, heavy weapons and even the possibility of poisoning as a method to assassinate Lula. The execution of the operation was scheduled for December 15, 2022, highlighting the seriousness and organization behind the coup actions.
Featured photo: Lula (reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Cláudio Reis)
Matter put Helene Ferreira (In Magazine)
Federal Police attribute Bolsonaro and his advisors to attempted coup d'état
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Federal Police attribute Bolsonaro and his advisors to attempted coup d'état