Fernanda Montenegro makes rare appearance at show premiere
Actress Fernanda Montenegro showed that she is still very active at 94 years of age, especially when it comes to honoring art. She was at the premiere of the show Sagração, with Deborah Colker's dance company, at the Theatro Municipal in Rio de Janeiro.
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In addition to her, Fabio Porchat and Priscila Castello Branco were also present and even shared a kiss at the request of the photographers. Deborah Evelyn and Betty Gofman also attended the event.

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Created based on the classic “The Rite of Spring”, the show adds Brazilian sounds and rhythms to Igor Stravinsky's score and relies on the energy, vigor and originality of the language that Deborah Colker has developed since the company's inception (1994).
In a single act, “Sagração” delves into a reflection on our origin, evolution and continuity on planet Earth.

Fernanda Montenegro makes rare appearance at show premiere
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