Flu and corona: who should be vaccinated better?
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Flu and corona: who is better to be vaccinated?
On average, 1 in 10 people become infected with the flu during a winter. Most heal spontaneously, but a large part of the population is still at risk of a more serious course of the disease. The same applies to corona. Who should be vaccinated? When? And can you get both vaccines at the same time?
Also read: What can you do to prevent the flu?
Who should be vaccinated against flu and corona?
Vaccine against flu and Covid-19
- You are 65 years or older.
- You stay in a care facility for a long time, such as a residential care center.
- You have an immune disorder or live with someone with an immune disorder.
- You work in the healthcare sector, in or outside a healthcare facility.
- You are obese (BMI = 40)
- You have an underlying health problem, such as lung, heart, liver or kidney disease, neuromuscular disorders or metabolic disorders such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Every person with diabetes (from 6 months of age) is advised annually to be vaccinated against flu and Covid-19. People with diabetes have a higher risk of serious complications. Flu and Covid-19 can seriously disrupt blood sugar levels and people with diabetes have a higher risk of serious health problems.
Vaccine against flu
Everyone is free to be vaccinated against flu, but the Superior Health Council specifically recommends flu vaccination for:
- persons 65 years or older;
- persons who live long-term in a care facility (e.g. WZC, VAPH, …);
- persons working in the healthcare sector, in or outside a healthcare facility;
- individuals with underlying health conditions such as:
- lung, heart, liver or kidney disease;
- metabolic disorders such as diabetes types 1 and 2;
- neuromuscular disorders.
- persons with an immune disorder or living with one;
- obese individuals (BMI = 40);
- pregnant women;
- persons living with children under 6 months of age whose mothers have not been vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy;
- people living with someone with an underlying health problem.
People who are allergic to chicken protein should consult with their doctor to determine whether they can be safely vaccinated against influenza.
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How do I get vaccinated and how much does a vaccine cost?
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You can make an appointment with your doctor or pharmacist. He or she will then schedule the times when you can be vaccinated against corona and flu. A home nurse can also vaccinate you. The corona vaccine is free. When you visit the doctor, you pay for the doctor's visit.
The flu vaccine is not free. Is the vaccine recommended for you? Then your health insurance fund will reimburse a large part of this. You then pay less than 5 euros yourself.
Is vaccination still useful if you already had flu or corona, even if it did not make you very ill? Or if you have been vaccinated before?
Your immunity will have been boosted by a previous infection, but that protection does not last forever and may be insufficient. You can also still become seriously ill if you become infected again. It is recommended that you get vaccinated again, especially if you are vulnerable.
Also read: Can you get the flu several times in one flu season?
When can I get vaccinated?
Corona and flu vaccines protect you very well against the diseases, but only for a limited time. After a few months the protection diminishes again. If you have been vaccinated previously, it is best to have yourself vaccinated again annually (in the autumn). Flu and corona vaccines are regularly adapted to the latest virus variants in circulation.
- Corona vaccination: best before the end of October
- Flu vaccination: from mid-October
The flu season lasts an average of 8 to 12 weeks and usually occurs sometime between late November and March. A flu vaccine provides protection from 10 to 15 days after the injection.
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Vaccine against flu and corona
There is not yet a vaccine that protects you against flu and corona at the same time. So you have to have 2 vaccines, but this can be done at the same time. You may experience more mild side effects, such as fever or muscle pain.
Also read: Long-term or long covid: persistent or recurring complaints after a corona infection
Protect yourself extra with good habitsProtecting yourself and others from flu or corona can be done through vaccination and also through some additional good habits.
Flu and corona: who should be vaccinated better?
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Flu and corona: who should be vaccinated better?