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Freedom in the couple
Always this eternal question as summer approaches: “And you, are you going with your man?”
Like a kind of taboo subject, an unavoidable question at the same time. If there are no men, you’ll hear that it’s great because you can let go this summer (do those who tell you that really know if you’re going to let go this summer?), or on the contrary, you’ll hear a form of desperate compassion.
No, there are no men, you are alone, and you are not unhappy, not desperate, not proud, or beleaguered. Just single, period, without drama or bias on the subject. (Freedom in the couple)
You can read in all the women’s magazines all the reasons that should confirm you in your status as a single, in front of the girlfriends who have found shoe to their foot. But it is also possible to see this in another light, a little more concrete, rational, less cliché, it is up to you to interpret it as you see fit. Fed up to read long lists of bars in which you can dredge, single holidays that you can do alone, between single people, tailor-made dating sites on which you can find the soul mate.
Today, you can also tell yourself that for now you are alone, that yes you would like to be accompanied by a man in your life, but that it is not your priority, or that simply do not find. And even if it were that, it doesn’t take your head day and night, it doesn’t turn into an obsession. Why always this radical vision of celibacy?
It is indeed a real social issue, women feel freer today, they work, they make children later, give themselves time to think about themselves. Besides that, they also want to be protected, listened to. (Freedom in the couple)
You are all those women. With your contradictions, your questions, your aspirations. Why blame yourself? Why would you want to enter the box “eternal bachelor” or that of the “woman made for the couple”?
And then, what does it mean, basically?
Tomorrow you may wake up with a crazy desire to seduce, you will put all the chances on your side. You may go home alone evening with a man you will spend the night with. This in no way makes you a girl of joy, a woman without value. You just wanted it, not necessarily need it. You also didn’t want to have fun with a passing guy. You are just a woman, you definitely needed to feel desired and desirable. (Freedom in the couple)
And two days later, jogging, not wearing make-up, not brushing and without complex, you will simply want to laugh with two girlfriends at a café terrace without even thinking about how the men will look at you. And you are absolutely right! However, you will not have become a neglected woman, nor a woman who locks herself into a future status of old girl! Let yourself live, let yourself live and feel things.
The important thing is to listen to you, to accept your mood swings, your opinions and your changing desires. (Freedom in the couple)
A beautiful story lived with a man will not prevent you from needing freedom one day. Just like a period of celibacy will not prevent you from continuing to believe in love.
So what you have to understand is that you’re not “that kind of girl.” There is no “kind of girl” in love. Life holds far too many surprises, whether you believe in fate or chance, for you to let yourself belong to a category. Be proud to be just yourself. It may seem obvious to you, but this logic is rarely addressed in your influences of readings, films, experiences and knowledge.
You certainly also want to follow the stories of your friends, mother, sisters, idols. But never lose sight of the functionally specific to each human being. There is no right way to do things, to act, let alone to think, to reason. Your past builds your future, and the present solidifies everything. (Freedom in the couple)
Ladies, ladies, dear ones, whether you are alone, accompanied, in love or not, assume it and do not lock yourself into the codes imposed on you by your environment.
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