Fuzuê: Meet the ambitious villain Preciosa and the entire Montebello clan

by Clare Dominic
Fuzuê: Meet the ambitious villain Preciosa and the entire Montebello

Fuzuê: Meet the ambitious villain Preciosa and the entire Montebello clan

“I am precious, I am powerful, I am dangerous.” The “mantra” is the trademark of Preciosa, the villain played by Marina Ruy Barbosa in “fuzuê”, the next soap opera at 7 pm on TV Globo, which premieres in August, replacing “go in faith”. Antagonist of the story created and written by Gustavo ReizPreciosa is a businesswoman who makes ostentation her lifestyle.

In the plot, the young woman receives an inheritance from her father, Cesar Montebello (Leopoldo Pacheco), who was also an explorer and treasure hunter, documents that indicate the location of a hidden fortune.

What she didn’t imagine is that, amid the paperwork left by the patriarch of the Montebello family, there would be another revelation: the existence of a sister – Luna (Giovana Cordeiro) -, with whom she should divide all her assets, including the treasure that still had to be found.

“Precious is powerful and dangerous. I hope to awaken controversial feelings in the public, something that only the villainy of a character can do. And I hope she gets them all ready, has no limits. I’m ready for anything”, said Marina, who celebrates her return to soap operas.

“I really missed doing soap operas, being on set, preparing myself, studying. And Preciosa brought me back to that universe. The resumption is always challenging, but I am very happy because I am surrounded by talented, generous professionals who share the happiness of being part of this project”, explained the actress.

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Photomontage of Preciosa (Marina Ruy Barbosa), Bebel (Lilia Cabral), Heitor (Felipe Simas) and Bernardo (Theo Matos) in Fuzuê
Preciosa (Marina Ruy Barbosa), Bebel (Lilia Cabral), Heitor (Felipe Simas) and Bernardo (Theo Matos) in Fuzuê – Photo: TV Globo/Fábio Rocha

In the romantic comedy directed by Fabricio Mamberti, Preciosa is married to Heitor (Felipe Simas), a well-known deputy, who is always in the media for his far-fetched ideas and controversial projects. In a somewhat blatant and almost boastful way, Heitor manipulates whatever is necessary according to his interests and is able to speak the greatest barbarities in a natural way.

Charismatic, he tries to manage the imminent bankruptcy of the family, managing the debts with his earnings and bribes with the help of his advisor, Pascoal (Juliano Cazarre), an educated, refined fellow, but of dubious character. With a dubious personality, Pascoal is capable of going to the last consequences when he wants something and can become very dangerous, both for enemies and for allies.

Very attentive to all these movements, we have the Montebello matriarch, Bebel (Lilia Cabral), mother of Precious. Elegant and discreet, Bebel manages the chain of jewelry stores with her daughter, with whom she has an up and down relationship. In the past, she studied music, but ended up giving up all her dreams to dedicate herself to her family, and has her grandson, Bernardo (Theo Mattos), son of Preciosa and Hector, as his treasure.

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Introspective, the boy suffers from the absence of his mother and spends more time in front of screens than socializing with other children. With the discovery of the existence of an illegitimate daughter of her husband, the result of a betrayal, Bebel will review her own decisions and attitudes and give a new direction to her own life.


“Fuzuê” is created and written by Gustavo Reiz, with artistic direction by Fabricio Mamberti. The work was written in collaboration with João Brandão, Juliana Peres and Michel Carvalho, and was directed by Adriano Melo and directed by Bernardo Sá, Nathalia Ribas and Glenda Nicácio. Production is by Gustavo Rebelo and genre direction by José Luiz Villamarim.

The cast includes Giovana Cordeiro, Marina Ruy Barbosa, Nicolas Prattes, Felipe Simas, Edson Celulari, Lilia Cabral, Ary Fontoura, Fernanda Rodrigues, Douglas Silva, Juliano Cazarré, Micael Borges, Olivia Araújo, Leopoldo Pacheco, Zezeh Barbosa, Jessica Córes, Pedro Carvalho, Bia Montez, Walkiria Ribeiro, Guil Anacleto, Heslaine Vieira, Noemia Oliveira, Ruan Aguiar, Bruno de Mello, Danilo Maia, Cinnara Leal, Deo Garcez, Clayton Nascimento, Hilton Cobra, Michel Joelsas, Cyria Coentro, Val Perré, Rogério Brito, Milton Filho, Guilhermina Libânio, Eber Inácio, Ingrid Klug, Maria Flor Silva and Theo Matos.

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Fuzuê: Meet the ambitious villain Preciosa and the entire Montebello clan

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#Fuzuê #Meet #ambitious #villain #Preciosa #entire #Montebello #clan

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