Fuzuê: Pascoal is sentenced to more than 70 years in prison
After always finding a way to escape justice, Pascoal's time has come (Juliano Cazarré) pay for the crimes he committed. In scenes that will air in this Tuesday's episode, the 27th, in 'Fuzuê', the villain is finally condemned for the robbery of the armored car transporting the treasure of the Lady of Gold (Zezé Motta).
Furthermore, he will be convicted of stealing Maria Navalha's money (Olivia Araujo) and two more murders. Read by the judge (Isabel Fillardis), the sentence generates a commotion among the majority present in the court.
Summary of Fuzuê chapters from 02/27 to 03/01

In addition to Maria, Barreto (Rogério Brito), Cecilia (Cinnara Leal) and Luna (Giovana Cordeiro) give testimony at the trial.
Fuzuê: Will Preciosa have a happy ending? Find out everything!
The defense, in turn, listens to Vânia (Ingrid Klug) in an attempt to give a good impression of Pascoal. The criminal then testifies, saying he is a good man. In his speech, the villain also takes the opportunity to accuse Caesar (Leopoldo Pacheco) and Preciosa (Marina Ruy Barbosa), claiming that the pair forced him to do things he didn't want to do.

However, the appeal does not work: to the general relief, the jurors decide to convict Pascoal, who will have to serve more than 70 years behind bars.
'Fuzuê' is created and written by Gustavo Reiz, with artistic direction by Fabricio Mamberti. The work was written in collaboration with João Brandão, Juliana Peres and Michel Carvalho. The soap opera is directed by Adriano Melo and directed by Bernardo Sá, Nathalia Ribas, Glenda Nicácio and Cadú França. The production is by Gustavo Rebelo and genre direction by José Luiz Villamarim.
Fuzuê: Pascoal is sentenced to more than 70 years in prison
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