Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek – Influencer and artist, aged 37, are parents of Lion, who was born on November 2 in São Paulo. Gabriela changed her routine radically after the birth of Lion , her first child with artist and entrepreneur Tulio Dek , 37. The digital influencer had to fit into a totally new routine, different from what she was used to following. before being a mother. “Suddenly, I literally gave up my life to live a new life, which is that of a newborn. It was a challenge in the sense of being new, but not at all difficult. I see life in an always positive light. totally new situations, I take them by heart”, he evaluates in an exclusive interview with US .
Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek
Taking care of the day to day with the baby was simple for Gabriela. “In the first two months, I already had it in my head that my routine would be his demand, I would be ‘fulltime’ for him. And I already programmed myself for that, nothing was too scary.
Not even the many sleepless nights, because I knew that it was a phase, and it was. It passes very quickly… So I was aware that I would miss staying up all night with him. Now that he is three months old, I can already have my sleep routine, I do gymnastics, and I have the privilege of being able to work from home. So my adapted routine today is perfect”, he says.
Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek

A fitness influencer, Gabriela gradually returned to exercising after the puerperium. “I went back to walking after 45 days of giving birth and, after 60 days, I went back to lighter functional training and I’m intensifying little by little. I only stopped training during the postpartum quarantine period. My whole pregnancy was very active, and nothing has changed,” he says. (Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek)
She guarantees that she is more generous with herself with regard to self-demand to get back to her pre-pregnancy physical shape. “I’m very patient with myself, with my body, I’m not in a hurry for anything, because I know what body comes back, even because I do where. So I just went back to what I was before, eating healthy and training. No crazy diet nor a different strategy to get back to my weight soon. I’m living one day at a time and that’s doing me great . I’m still 10 kg overweight and, little by little, they will come off naturally. I’m much calmer about this. It’s not an emergency for me,” he guarantees.
Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek already want to increase the family
Owner of a healthy lifestyle, Gabriela recalls that the use of collagen was essential to keep her skin firm after pregnancy. “I would have liked to start using collagen at 20 if I had known it existed. I love it because, in fact, continuous use greatly improves skin elasticity, leaves skin firmer, with less cellulite, less flaccidity, and nails and hair is much stronger, the skin is more vibrant and hydrated. I used it throughout the pregnancy and it’s impressive how I didn’t have any flaccidity. Some other friends who also used it during pregnancy reported the same thing”, she says.
Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek

Like father Like Son
Gabriela has fun talking about the physical resemblance between her son and her husband. “Lion is just like Tulio, mainly because of his hairline, coloring, nose and the shape of his eyes, but he has my mouth and my chin. I swear”, she says, laughing. “Tulio is being wonderful and always does what he can, he even jokes that he wanted to be able to breastfeed, because it is a really deep connection.
We help each other a lot and this phase is being very nice for both of us”, melts, admitting that they want to increase the family. “I would have one child after another and so would he . We always say: ‘How come we didn’t have it before?’ Ah! But I got pregnant after a year of dating. Now we open the gate.”
The influencer is so immersed in the maternity universe that she even has tips for first-time mothers. “I would tell anyone who is a first-time mother to relax, not listen to many opinions, not listen to bad stories, and make sure that we always know how to take care of our child. It seems that a mother is born at the same time, that’s how it was with me. I would also tell them to invest in a bodysuit without a collar and comfortable pajamas in the first few months, no wearing dressed-up clothes. (Gabriela Pugliesi and Tulio Dek)
I would also advise them to follow the sleep routine (bath, mom, sleep) every day the same and dedicate themselves to it. Open hand everything and live for your child in this very beginning. This connection is very important and this period passes very quickly. The only thing that is really important is to give love and nothing else”, he recommends.
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