Giulia Be wears a transparent look and poses with her brother at an album launch
The singer Giulia Be held an album release party “Deluxe Flying Saucer”, last Thursday (13). The chosen location was Instituto Tomie Ohtake and the artist uses transparency in her look for the celebration.

On social networks, she celebrated the fact that the new one is already on digital platforms.
“IT WENT OUT! DISCO VOADOR DELUXE is now on all digital platforms — this album was an intense process of healing and transformation. a whole DISC about different moments of my life! some unforgettable, and others that we wanted to forget”, he began.
“I rescued songs that were already part of the journey but that were still homeless to finish this chapter… and I brought new songs. Thank you Clarissa, Papatinho and Luan Santana for embarking on this journey with me. Thank you Danyel Marinho, my older brother and favorite composer. It was the first of many albums I want to do with him. I hope that now, with the end really approaching… you feel embraced by these lyrics. I love you from here until long after this universe.”
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Giulia Be wears a transparent look and poses with her brother at an album launch
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