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Gloria Groove was the big winner of 'Show dos Famosos' and dedicated the trophy to Paulo Gustavo and Marília Mendonça
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The grand finale of 'Show dos Famosos' aired this Sunday (26) and Gloria Groove played Jennifer Lopez in her Super Bowl performance, while Wanessa Camargo transformed herself into pop diva Britney Spears; Robson Nunes into Brazilian Wilson Simonal and Victor Kley into British Adele. By winning the competition, the drag queen was guaranteed a brand new car and dedicated her prize to Paulo Gustavo, Marília Mendonça and MC Kevin.
“I dedicate this trophy to Paulo, Marília, Kevin, everyone who left us in the last two years, because they wanted us to continue the show”said Gloria.
Tributes that Gloria Groove made until the semifinals of 'Show dos Famosos'. (Photo: Reproduction/Gshow)
In addition to Jennifer Lopez, the artist also played Fergie, Luis Miguel and Marília Mendonça, and received praise from the judges throughout the program. The grand finale was no different:
“You are a mega artist and would give anyone a hard time. That's what's cool, it's good to see how dedicated you are.” – Boninho pondered. While Cláudia Raia strongly praised the singer: “You don't deliver a simple thing. You deliver everything. You deliver the music! Thank you for being Brazilian”. Preta Gil, who voted for Wanessa Camargo to win, also praised the singer: “She does her Show dos Famosos. I love you, and you know it.”
To decide the winner, the program adopted a dynamic where each of the judges and the audience had the right to one vote, which took Gloria Groove to the top, also winning by the public vote:
Cute – Vitor Kley
Black Gil – Wanessa Camargo
Claudia Raia – Gloria Groove
Audience – Gloria Groove
Always highlighting the fact that she is not just a drag queen, but a complete artist, Gloria Groove thanked everyone and gave her speech:
“I'm not the same artist who walked through that door. Thank you to Show dos Famosos for allowing me to show that I can be a drag queen, a drag king, I'm Gloria, I'm Daniel and I can be whoever I want.”
Featured photo: Gloria Groove wins Show dos Famosos. Reproduction/Globo.
Gloria Groove was the big winner of 'Show dos Famosos' and dedicated the trophy to Paulo Gustavo and Marília Mendonça
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Gloria Groove was the big winner of 'Show dos Famosos' and dedicated the trophy to Paulo Gustavo and Marília Mendonça