Heat squander chance to sweep Celtics, Butler warns
The Heat couldn’t sweep the Celtics in the NBA, and Jimmy Butler wasn’t happy about missing out on a chance to end the series in the western conference.
In this way, the stumbling block at home will provide the necessary pressure for the Heat. At least that’s what Butler believes. In an interview after the game, the star vented about the team’s need to put itself in complicated situations. This season, the team has crossed them on several occasions and this time was no different. He’s hoping the loss to the Celtics will serve as the necessary boost for a TD Garden win.
At the very least it will create momentum for us, knowing that we have to play with a lot more energy. We have to play like our backs are against the wall. But I think all year round we were better when we had to do things the hard way.“, he stated.
Butler continued with his rant and made it clear what Miami intends to do in the next game against the Celtics: “The only thing I will say is that we will be fine. Let’s go back to doing what we’ve always done to get to this point: continually believing in each other, knowing that we’re going to win, and we will. We just have to play more. There’s not much to say about this group, because we already know. So we just have to go there and run“.

With this scenario a little less peaceful for the Heat, the team will face the Boston Celtics again this Thursday, 25th, at 9:30 pm (Brasília time), at TD Garden. A victory puts Miami in the fight for the NBA title against the Denver Nuggets, which has been the great protagonist of this season in North American basketball.
Heat squander chance to sweep Celtics, Butler warns
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