Heineken Brewery surpasses itself in sales in the first quarter of 2024
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This Wednesday (24), during a conversation with the executive president, Dolf Van Den Brink of the world-renowned beer company, he revealed that Heineken sold more beer than expected in the first quarter of 2024, and reported the strong annual volume growth, and expects a great result for this year.
Company performance
In the month of January to March, according to the company's president, he reported that the brand had an absurd growth of 4.7 percent in net revenue, surpassing the expected growth of 2.5 percent, by analysts who survey company sales. He also said that it became the number one brand in value in the country, with an increase of 10 percent and 14 percent in this period, it had strong sales volumes and prices with a great focus on the brand. Disputing the market with Ambev, he said that it exceeded global beer sales volume, drastically exceeding his expectations.
Photo: Heineken festival entrance (Reproduction/Noam Galai/Getty Images Embed)
Challenging environment
Dolf van den Brink commented that despite being solid at the beginning of the year, we cannot extrapolate revenue growth for the rest of this year, even though we have recorded a large volume of sales and net revenue in all regions, he says that the company is still sees the economic environment as an uncertain and challenging place, they intend to further restore growth after the losses they suffered in 2023, with the high cost of barley and energy. According to the Barclays analyst, he commented that the market had a high margin, with the company's spectacular performance in Mexico and Brazil. And its recovery was promising in Vietnam, which there is no denying that the company has turned the page and hopes to surpass itself during the year.
Featured Photo: Heineken Beer (Reproduction/Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images Embed)
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Heineken Brewery surpasses itself in sales in the first quarter of 2024
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Heineken Brewery surpasses itself in sales in the first quarter of 2024