Honor of Kings will hold Circuito dos Reis, first championship for the community in Brazil

Honor of Kings


Honor of Kings has just announced its first official championship after the full release of the title in Brazil. Circuito dos Reis has 8 invited teams and 8 spots for community teams.

Honor of Kings

The tournament starts on April 22nd and has a total prize pool of US$ 20,000 (equivalent to more than R$ 100,000 at current exchange rates). Entries will open this Sunday (26), and the qualifiers will start next Wednesday (29). Participants will have Heroes and Arcana unlocked during qualifiers.A total of 16 teams will compete. Eight invited teams and eight ranked teams from the community. The teams invited to the Main Event facing the ranked community teams are: Corinthians CDS, Netshoes Miners, Liberty Esports, Alpha7, Influence Chemin, Loops Esports, INCO GAMING and Team Solid.Matches can be followed on the Instagram, Facebook, YouTube It is twitter.More details below via press release. Honor of Kings can be downloaded from app store, Google Play It is Samsung Galaxy Store.Classification stageRecruit your team for the qualifying stage through the Discord official. There will be four open qualifiers in the knockout format, with participation rewards for all participating players:
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Open Classifier 1Opening of registrations: 03/26 Closing of registrations: 03/28 Qualifying day: 03/29 at 7 pm (Brasília time)Open Qualifier 2Opening of registration: 03/30 Closing of registrations: 01/04 Qualifying day: 4/2 at 4pm (Brasília time)Open Qualifier 3Opening of registration: 03/04 Closing of registrations: 07/04 Qualifier day: 08/04 at 16h (Brasília time)Open Qualifier 4Opening of registration: 09/04 Closing of registrations: 04/14 Qualifier day: 04/15 at 4 pm (Brasília time)Honor of Kings awardAll players who participate in the qualifiers will receive the following prizes:1000x Gold 15x Diamonds 1x Hero Draw VoucherIn addition, the top finishers will also receive exclusive prizes according to their final positions on the leaderboard. Check it out below.1st and 2nd placeVacancy in the main event of the Circuit of the Kings US$ 125 (the equivalent of more than R$ 625 in today’s price) for the team Community Discord Honor Spotlight 5x Permanent Hero Packs (1 for each team member)3rd and 4th place5x Permanent Hero Packs (1 for each team member)For more information on how to enter, visit the Contest Entry Guide via official social media and official Discord.Main Event FormatThe eight teams that pass the Qualifying Stage will join the eight invited teams and will be divided into four groups, disputing this stage over two weekends, on April 22, 23, 29 and 30. Only two teams from each group will advance to the Elimination Stage.
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Quarterfinals: on May 6th, the best eight teams, two from each group of the Main Event, face each other in Best of 3 (Md3) matches, in a knockout format.Semifinals: on May 7th, the top four teams face each other in a Best of 5 (Od5) match series.Grand final: will end the Circuito dos Reis with a dispute between the two best teams in the competition on May 14, in a Best of 7 series (Md7).Awards:1st Place: US$ 8,000 for the team (equivalent to more than R$ 40,000 at current exchange rates) 2nd Place: US$4,000 for the team (over R$20,000) 3rd and 4th Place: US$2,000 per team (over R$10,000) 5th to 8th Places: US$500 per team (over R$2,500) 9th to 16th Places: US$200 per team (over R$1,000) MVP: US$400 (over R$2,000)

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