How can smiles and elegant behavior transform people? And what Luciane Castaman teaches
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Luciane Castaman is not only a renowned dentist with over 25 years of experience, but also a teacher and mentor who has turned her passion for elegance and etiquette into a life mission. Creator of the method “THE POWER OF ETIQUETTE AND ELEGANCE”, Luciane developed a practical and accessible methodology for women who wish to transform their social skills, behavior and way of presenting themselves, both in the personal and professional environment.
For her, elegance goes beyond aesthetics and appearance: it's about how we behave, communicate and, above all, how we treat others. And, in his view, elegance is not something innate, but a skill that can — and should — be learned. Through her mentorship, she helps women understand that elegance is a powerful tool for achieving success and prestige in all spheres of life.
Luciane Castaman teaching a course for women at an English tea party at the Tangará Palace in São Paulo (Photo: reproduction/disclosure)
The specialist began her professional journey in dentistry, founding Clínica Vitória, which became a reference in Rondônia and Mato Grosso for its excellent service and high-quality results. His clinic, located in regions far from large urban centers, stood out not only for its advanced dental treatments, but also for its humanized care and attention to detail, something that has always been an essential part of its work philosophy. However, throughout her career, Luciane discovered that her interest in etiquette and refined behavior was not just a hobby, but something that could profoundly impact both her life and the lives of others.
She grew up in a small town in the interior of Rondônia, far from large urban centers and traditional references of sophistication. Even so, from a very young age, Luciane felt attracted to elegant and refined behaviors.
This interest, initially discreet, accompanied his adolescence and matured along with his career. “As I developed my dental practice, I increasingly noticed how refined behavior influenced my interactions with patients, colleagues, and even my personal life.”account.
The daily practice of dentistry revealed to her that being technically competent was only part of success — knowing how to behave and treat people made all the difference.
As time went by, Luciane began to explore the etiquette in more depth. He bought books, studied self-taught and soon realized that the lessons he was learning could have an even greater impact, going beyond more formal social interactions and becoming a transformative tool for life as a whole. “I noticed that elegance was not just in the way I dressed or behaved at formal events, but in everyday interactions — how I treated each person who entered my clinic, how I related to the world around me”reflects Luciane.
In recent years, Luciane decided to professionalize this passion for etiquette. She dedicated herself to formally studying the topic. Currently, in addition to being a dentist, she is also a master teacher in etiquette specializing in elegant behavior.
Luciane Castaman in the office (Photo: reproduction/disclosure)
She teaches courses, lectures and workshops to share her knowledge with other women. His methodology, the “THE POWER OF ETIQUETTE AND ELEGANCE” method, was born from this desire to help other people develop an elegant posture and behavior in a practical and applied way.
Its exclusive and transformative method that, in up to 8 weeks, empowers women to develop social and behavioral skills that help them stand out in any environment. The course goes beyond simple rules of etiquette. It teaches, in a practical way, how to apply these rules in everyday life, whether at work, at social events or even at more informal dinners. Luciane believes that the way a woman behaves and presents herself can completely change the way she is perceived and treated by others. Therefore, his method includes teachings on how to dress in a way that reflects your personality and status, how to make an excellent impression in professional and social contexts, as well as covering the secrets of table etiquette and how to behave at meals and formal events.
Luciane Castaman (Photo: reproduction/disclosure)
The methodology is aimed at women who seek to stand out and be more successful in their personal and professional lives. “My intention is to make knowledge about etiquette and behavior accessible to all women, because I believe that when we learn to behave with elegance and security, our opportunities expand”says the mentor.
In her lectures and workshops, Luciane shares how etiquette can be a powerful tool for personal transformation. “Etiquette isn't just about how you present yourself; it's about how you treat others, and that's what truly transforms lives.”explains. She teaches that elegance and etiquette are accessible to all women, and not a privilege for a few. “No one is born elegant, but anyone can learn”he states.
Its mission goes beyond aesthetics. Luciane believes that true etiquette is based on values, many of which she learned early in her life, inspired by the teachings of the Bible. “For me, the Bible is the greatest manual of conduct that exists. It teaches principles and values that can be applied in all spheres of life, as well as etiquette”reflects Luciane. This sense of purpose and authenticity is what sets her approach apart from others, as she emphasizes that elegance should not be a mask, but a natural extension of each person's values.
With her method, Luciane has managed to transform the lives of her students, through a new mentality giving new meaning to what etiquette and elegance truly represent for everyday life in the Third Millennium.
“The testimonials and reports received are proof that teaching etiquette and elegant behavior is not just about ensuring personal success, but about positively impacting the lives of other people and creating a more empathetic and elegant society in favor of the evolution of society.”
Congratulations, Dr. Luciane for your teaching and care in transmitting your legacy, the legacy of etiquette and elegance to us! Rest assured that you will always be with us, as our attitude from now on will be to honor your teachings to the detriment of our personal growth! Gratitude! See you soon.
Joana P.
Today is a special thank you to @dralucianecastaman who has an incredible life project! In addition to being a Doctor with a wonderful company, she is a person with a unique personal purpose! When I started the elegance course I only expected how to improve my behavior at the table, today I understand that elegance goes much further! It's the transformation from the inside out and the consistency of daily positioning!
Maria L.
“Elegance is a universal language. When we learn to behave with empathy, respect and authenticity, we can make a real difference in all of our interactions”he concludes.
Instagram: @lucianecastaman_etiqueta
Website: School of etiquette and elegance
Email: [email protected]
Featured photo: Luciane Castaman (reproduction/disclosure)
How can smiles and elegant behavior transform people? And what Luciane Castaman teaches
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How can smiles and elegant behavior transform people? And what Luciane Castaman teaches