How to know if you are in love: the 7 signs to take into account

How to know if you are in love
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How to know if you are in love

“Do I really love him or do I like the attention he gives me? How do I know if what I feel is love? Since you met him, you can’t chase him out of your thoughts. Every time you try to put your feelings in order, you come back to this question: wouldn’t I be in love? If you feel happier, more alive, and your life now seems to revolve around it, you can stop asking yourself the question.

Because this is surely already the case! How to know if you are in love: the 7 signs to take into account. Here are 7 signs that prove that you are in love with your new partner. If you recognize yourself in several of them, doubt is no longer allowed. So stop questioning yourself and go for it.

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How to know if you are in love: the 7 signs to take into account

1/ When you are in love, the heart beats the chamade

Your heart beats when you know you’re going to see him, when you’re with him, when you’re waiting for a message or a call. You are feverish, impatient. Excited as a child waiting for Santa’s passage.

The famous butterflies in the belly, the eyes sparkling, the stomach knotted, the lack of appetite … You validate many of these “symptoms”! (How to know if you are in love)

And at the same time you are totally blue flower, romantic, listening to love songs and rereading its messages in a loop. To imagine romantic and passionate scenarios, to immerse yourself in your daydreams.

In short, you simply have it in your skin.

How to know if you are in love

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