How to make a good first impression in front of the in-laws?

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How to make a good first impression
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How to make a good first impression

Suppose here that you, as a young woman, are about to meet the parents of your delicious companion with whom you want to live something serious. He maintains a rather “basic” relationship with his parents, cordial, pleasant, family without being suffocating either. He lives his life but loves them and still spends all his Christmas (or other religious or commercial holiday that can be spent with the family) with it.


It is then a question of showing all your good intentions without doing too much, to remain 100% natural while pleasant to them..

But what should I wear? ( How to make a good first impression )

The idea is to wear something nice, correct, but that also does not give you the impression of going to a job interview. You can opt for a miniskirt for example but not too tight, you never know …

Be careful to stay natural, if you are usually a punkette and you borrow a BCBG tailor for the occasion, you will feel very stupid at the next meeting. Also tell yourself that your in-laws are not there to judge you on your outfit but to be sure that you will make the happiness of their son. Did they accept their son’s look? They will probably accept yours! So no stress on this point. 

The main thing is to show that you can make an effort for them while of course always remaining natural and comfortable in your clothes (no hypocrisy, your in-laws are not morons, they would see it!).

But what should I report?

It all depends on where you meet the in-laws. If it’s an invitation to dine at their house, you can bring back a box of homemade cookies (I would advise against proposing the full dish the first time, although it later usually becomes a habit). If the last cookies or shortbread that you wanted to make look like pieces of wood, with a taste of piece of wood, you can also simply bring back flowers. A little boring but at least demonstrates your gratitude for this invitation. ( How to make a good first impression )

The main thing is to show that you are ready to make an effort, to make yourself loved by them since logically you love their offspring. The chocolate box can also work. If you come from another region, do not hesitate to bring home a specialty, small cakes or regional sweets, lavender bags … – in addition to a little originality, this specialty will allow you to make the conversation.

Finally, bring back something you like. Avoid making 10 tons, this is only a first meeting. Leave the assortments of silk tablecloths, jewelry and other large gifts in the closet. Unless you meet the family in question on the occasion of Christmas or the birthday of step mom/step dad (which is also quite possible).

What should I talk about? ( How to make a good first impression )

I remember an episode of the series Girls in which a character recounted all his experiences in rehab under the pretext of “wanting to stay herself”. Bad, very bad idea. Just put yourself in the shoes of your in-laws: which topic would you have preferred to avoid? Do not address them then.

Find commonalities, answer their questions with sincerity.

Let’s go!

Finally, remember that not all mothers-in-law are mean, many are rather happy to see their son as a couple, do not leave with a negative image that you will have forged alone and without proof inside your mind and… Enjoy this pleasant moment with your new family!

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1 comment

Juliana Oti September 15, 2022 - 12:50 pm

Wow , thank you
U really save me from embarrassing mine self


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