How to renew insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

by Xavier Catherine
How to renew insurance during the COVID 19 pandemic?

How to renew insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic?
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To avoid coronavirus contamination, the recommendation is worldwide: stay at home. But what if my insurance expires during the COVID-19 pandemic, how do I renew? Look here!

We are living in a delicate moment, the coronavirus pandemic has made the world stop and withdraw. The recommendation to slow down the virus contamination curve is simple: stay at home.

In other words, we should only leave the house when necessary, to buy medicine or food. Even hospitals recommend seeking care at a medical unit if really necessary, as in the case of showing symptoms to confirm suspected contamination with coronavirus.

However, life goes on, the bills still arrive, the deadlines for our insurance coverage continue to run. And what to do if the car insurance policy expires while we are in quarantine?

If my insurance expires during the COVID-19 pandemic, how do I renew?

Image by Susan Sewert by Pixabay

How can I renew my insurance without leaving home during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The world is in lockdown in the face of this pandemic, so it is to be expected that insurance companies will make it easier to take out and renew insurance, without leaving home. Many companies are still operating in a home office model, so as not to leave their consumers in the lurch.

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In addition, there are many websites that quote, contract and renew insurance online, such as Afrilatest. Here you just need to fill out a short form to renew your car insurance and wait for a broker to get in touch.

We have partnerships with professionals from the best insurance companies on the market. This way, you can compare prices and coverage from the comfort of your home.

Another difference is that we work with experienced brokers, registered with SUSEP, who will answer your questions whenever you need them. And you can contact these professionals by phone or email, that is, without having to go to the insurance company.

Should I renew with my trusted insurance company?

If you have been a customer of a certain company for some time, renewing with them can yield some advantages. Whether by knowing the services provided or discounts when renewing your policy, such as the car insurance bonus, for example.

But there's nothing stopping you from quoting online from other insurers to find out if you're really getting good value for money on your insurance. Please note that if you choose to transfer your car insurance to another company, you will not lose the bonus.

Take advantage and see here when you lose your insurance bonus!

When should I renew my insurance?

Experts recommend starting to quote two weeks before the due date, so the broker will have time to calmly find the best plan. Furthermore, you also have time to look for other options if this one does not meet your needs.

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Ideally, the consumer should not wait for the broker to notify them of the expiration date, as many may notify them at the last minute, not giving the client time to research other options.

The importance of up-to-date car insurance

Even if the recommendation is to isolate, you never know when we will need to run to the supermarket, pharmacy or hospital. And, even though there are far fewer cars on the street, the chances of an accident and other accidents are not zero.

Keeping your car insurance up to date guarantees your safety if something unexpected happens, from accidents, mechanical problems or theft. In uncertain times, like the one we are living in, we must ensure as much security as we can.

Imagine that your vehicle is stolen or suffers a collision. If your car insurance is not up to date, the insurance company may deny coverage.

What is the advantage of quoting online?

Firstly, it fits with the current situation in the world of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, you will not need to expose yourself to possible contagion simply by going to the insurance company. Not to mention that it may not even be working.

Another advantage is that online insurance websites can quickly compare prices across multiple insurers, always providing the best option to meet your needs, such as Afrilatest.

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In addition, it can offer services such as personalizing coverage, with additional coverage options that your policy did not contain. In other words, when quoting online here, on our website, you can compare the services of the main insurance companies.

So, to avoid exposing yourself to the coronavirus and not being left without car insurance protection, count on SeguroAuto!

Renew your car insurance here, without leaving home!

How to renew insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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How to renew insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic?


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How to renew insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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