Increase in the number of respiratory hospitalizations reaches almost 28% throughout Brazil
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A survey of 27 public and philanthropic hospitals in the country between January and August 2024 observed a 27.6% increase in hospitalizations caused by respiratory tract diseases.
In total, hospitalizations cost 11 million reais more than the same period in 2023. The information was provided by Planisa, a hospital management company.
Significant increase
According to Marcelo Carnielo, a specialist in hospital cost management and director of services at Planisa, the R$11 million increase has a significant impact on hospitals. These amounts further increase the daily costs of medication for daily treatments.
Increase in prevention strategies
Just as it was during the Covid-19 pandemic, hospitals, according to Marcelo Carnielo, will have to invest again in strategies to prevent respiratory diseases and seasonal illnesses that may be associated with climate change and adverse conditions.
The director highlights that hospitals will have to “adapt planning to deal with seasonal peaks and extreme weather events, such as optimizing the allocation of beds, staff and other resources, as well as continually reviewing and updating hospital protocols and practices”
Doctor examining a patient (Photo: reproduction: THIBAUT DURAND/Hans Lucas/AFP/Getty Images Embed)
How to prevent winter
Some basic ways to prevent respiratory diseases from getting worse and leading to hospitalization are to always maintain hand hygiene, washing with soap and water or alcohol gel; cover your mouth when coughing, to avoid passing it on to other people, and do not touch your face with dirty hands.
Having and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as getting a good night's sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, helps your immune system. Keeping windows open on sunny days is recommended to ensure the environment is well ventilated and has air exchange. Changing bed linens weekly is also recommended by doctors and health experts.
Having an up-to-date vaccination record is essential to avoid complications from respiratory tract diseases, especially in children and the elderly.
Featured Photo: Hospitals see an increase in the number of hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases (Reproduction/Fabio Teixeira/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images Embed)
Increase in the number of respiratory hospitalizations reaches almost 28% throughout Brazil
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Increase in the number of respiratory hospitalizations reaches almost 28% throughout Brazil