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Incredible Revelation About the Past

On Tuesday night (4), singer Eduardo Costa and his wife Mariana Polastreli got married in a civil ceremony. However, internet users questioned the absence of the artist's mother at the ceremony.

Eduardo Costa and Mariana Polastrini got married civilly. (Reproduction/Instagram)

According to the Metrópoles website, during Eduardo Costa's childhood, his father abandoned not only him but also his mother Maria Costa and his brothers. Therefore, helpless, she ended up falling into depression and the singer ended up being responsible for the house's finances.


For this reason, Eduardo took to the streets to sell ice cream and snacks with his brothers. As a result, because he didn't have much knowledge of what was going on, there are rumors that he harbored resentment towards his mother. However, in an interview with Metrópoles, the artist denied the existence of this feeling.

He stated: ''That's a lie, it's all talk. My mother is the first guest.'' And he continued: ''How do you get married and not call your mother? That does not exist. This is not true''

The relationship between the singer and Mariana Polastreli

The rumors that Eduardo and Mariana were together started in 2021. This is because after the businesswoman published a photo working out, he said ''hi''. Soon after, the businesswoman replied: ''How are you?''


After the situation, the two flirted again, in a photo in which the influencer appeared alongside her son. This time, the countryman commented: ''beautiful'' with some heart emojis.

However, not everything is rosy. Right at the beginning of the relationship, Mariana suffered from the cancellation of internet users after her ex-husband, Eduardo Polastreli, said that the businesswoman had abandoned him and her children, claiming that she had started dating the country singer while still married.

Eduardo Costa, children of Mariana Polastrini and Mariana. (Reproduction/Instagram)

Mariana Polastreli's ex-husband 'let the word go' about the new couple


In June last year, he took to social media and said that Mariana had left home with her son with the intention of spending time at her mother's house.

Venting on social media, Polastreli also claimed that Eduardo Costa and the influencer had already been speaking to each other for a few years, and that the countryman had promised her a life of luxury. He reported: ''She showed me his messages and laughed at the situation. Eduardo used all his financial weapons to get what he wanted. And he did it in a moment of her fragility''.

Later, in an interview with the newspaper Gazeta, Mariana did not deny that she and the countryman were getting to know each other better, and also added that there were no reasons to hide this. Furthermore, she said that she did not cheat on her husband and, in fact, Eduardo Costa would fully support her if she decided to get back together with her ex-husband.

Eduardo Costa and Mariana Polastreli in New York. (Reproduction/Instagram)

In an interview with journalist Leo Dias, the singer also denied that the businesswoman had cheated on her ex-husband and abandoned her three children. Eduardo said that even after the divorce, Mariana told the countryman that she and her ex-husband no longer slept in the same room, they just lived in the same house.


Well… In the end, the couple has been going strong for almost a year.

Featured photo: Mariana Polastreli and Eduardo Costa. (Reproduction/Instagram)


Incredible Revelation About the Past

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