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introverted-extroverted couple relationships

This is something that happens much more often than we think: an introvert and an extrovert get together, and quickly realize that they have very different habits and behaviors in the face of the same situations! Which is not necessarily always easy to understand and manage on a daily basis… Here are 7 tips for introverted-extroverted couple relationships!


1/ Accept your differences

Don’t try to change your darling! Instead, accept that your darling can act very differently from you. Besides, even if you wanted to, you would have a hard time changing your partner, since a profound change only takes place with time, and if the person really wants it. So don’t force your partner to be someone he/she isn’t and doesn’t want to be. You are different, it’s your wealth!


2/ Respect yourself (introverted-extroverted couple relationships)

Respect yourself! If you shouldn't require your partner to change, don't let yourself change either! Don't try to become someone you're not... You have every right to want to go out, or on the contrary stay at home to make a Netflix popcorn party! Respect your needs and the needs of your partner, whatever happens, you will be much happier.

Respect yourself! If you shouldn’t require your partner to change, don’t let yourself change either! Don’t try to become someone you’re not… You have every right to want to go out, or on the contrary stay at home to make a Netflix popcorn party! Respect your needs and the needs of your partner, whatever happens, you will be much happier.

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3/ Agree to compromise (introverted-extroverted couple relationships)

We told you just before respecting your needs, but also those of your partner! Don’t become an eternal selfish. Yes, in a relationship you will necessarily have different desires and expectations, but if you want things to work, you will have to make compromises. In other words, take turns the effort to go out every other weekend, and to stay in a small group the other weekend… In short, alternate so that you are both satisfied!

4/ Know how to recognize the benefits of dating your opposite

An introverted-extroverted relationship is always a great opportunity to evolve in life. So if you are an extrovert, you will learn to taste the joys of a quiet evening at home, and if you are introverted, you will gradually take more pleasure in going out to see the world in the evening! Of course it will surely take a little work and a little time, but it will come!

An introverted-extroverted relationship is always a great opportunity to evolve in life. So if you are an extrovert, you will learn to taste the joys of a quiet evening at home, and if you are introverted, you will gradually take more pleasure in going out to see the world in the evening! Of course it will surely take a little work and a little time, but it will come!

5/ Get out of your comfort zone (introverted-extroverted couple relationships)

It’s difficult yes! Especially usually for introverted people… But tell yourself that this is the opportunity to work on you and gain maturity! So, if your darling offers you an activity that includes an important social dimension, do not start refusing en bloc, and vice versa! Do not play martyrs because your darling would like you to stay more time in an intimate setting.

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6/ Give yourself the necessary space

This is true in all couples... And even more true in introverted-extroverted relationships! Because no, you are of course not obliged to do everything together. You can very well have a good time each on your own in the evening, doing the activities you really want to do. Obviously, this should not be the case 7 days a week! And you will have even more pleasure to meet, and to share together your different experiences!

This is true in all couples… And even more true in introverted-extroverted relationships! Because no, you are of course not obliged to do everything together. You can very well have a good time each on your own in the evening, doing the activities you really want to do. Obviously, this should not be the case 7 days a week! And you will have even more pleasure to meet, and to share together your different experiences! (introverted-extroverted couple relationships)

7/ Realize how much the other completes you

And how nice it is!!! What one of you does not have, the other will have for him. The extrovert will help the introvert to come out of his shell more, the introvert will help the extrovert to realize the value of quiet moments spent alone… In short, you will both benefit! And this is a great opportunity for your personal development! And that is well worth all the misunderstandings in the world.

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