Jennifer Nascimento announces the name of the daughter she is expecting. Come and find out!
The actress Jennifer Nascimento found out she was pregnant shortly before going on stage in the musical “O Rei Leão”, which opens soon in São Paulo.
“Hi guys from the meeting, we’re here in this paradise that is Fernando de Noronha. The little baby that is here in the oven will be called Lara. She is coming, we are very happy and anxious.”
Jeniffer is married to actor Jean Amorim, who she met when she acted with him in 2014, in “Malhação – Sonhos”. The two have been married since 2019.
“Happy and surprised with everything that is happening! Hearts racing, belly growing. A whirlwind of emotions within us. The most incredible feeling in the world came. We are no longer alone! From a single heart overflowing with love, another heart will be born within us, ”she wrote.
In a conversation with Quem, the actress opened up about this wonderful new phase of her life and said that she is already getting used to her mother’s personality.
“It’s crazy, right? A whirlwind of emotions. I was happy with this new life coming, but I’m letting go. We used to joke that we would have a child in 2025, but I’m a very workaholic, I’ve been working since I was five, I’m taking jobs and postponing them, I always wanted to control everything, but the universe comes and makes things happen at the right time”, reflected.
Married 4 years ago to jean amorimshe praised her partner: “He is happy, excited, he is a great partner, companion, careful, he is taking care of my food and living this pregnancy with me.
Expecting a girl, Jennifer refused to make a reveal party for the child, and explained the reason: “I find it problematic to celebrate the child’s gender. It doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl, it’s a life that is emerging”.
And he even spoke about the name possibilities: “I’m in doubt about the name, but I want a short and practical one. They always got my name wrong and I don’t want that for my daughter”, he jokes.
So far, Jennifer wants to have a normal birth, but she still isn’t sure of anything: “We always idealize things, but when you live, it’s different. I used to say that I wanted the delivery to be a cesarean section, now I want a normal delivery. I had several certainties, then life happens and you change your mind”.
Jennifer and Jean are spending a few days in Noronha, after a sign from the universe: “The universe told me to enjoy this moment. We came to Noronha for so many special moments, at the beginning of our relationship, in our pre-wedding rehearsal, during part of our honeymoon. We come back here whenever we are in a good phase. So we came to celebrate. In my astral map it said that in July it would be sunny. I thought it was the one born at the beginning of “King Leão”, but it was Noronha”.
Jennifer Nascimento announces the name of the daughter she is expecting. Come and find out!
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