Jojo Todynho shares updates on Francisco's adoption
On Monday, July 29, Jojo Todynho responded to a follower's question about the progress of Francisco's adoption process. The artist met the boy at the end of 2023, during her trip to Luanda, Angola, in Africa. The answer was given through the Instagram question box, available in the platform's stories.
In the question box, a fan asked about the progress of the adoption process, and the artist replied that it was in the final stage. During an event held in São Paulo, in May, Jojo Todynho commented on the strong emotional connection he had with the child. At the time, she said: “I'm adopting my son in Angola, he's coming soon, Francisco. I never imagined myself adopting a child because I want to have my own, and then something happened. He came with lightning, in the middle of people who were honoring me, He had his back to me. I couldn't see him, and then when he turned to me, I just cried.”
Jojo answers poll in story (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@jojotodynho)
Jojo Todynho met Francisco in September last year, during a special tribute he received at a school in the region. At that moment, the singer asked her contacts to investigate the possibility of adopting the boy.
Still in the conversation held in the capital of São Paulo, Jojo mentioned that, upon meeting the boy, he immediately decided to adopt him. According to the artist, she is following all the necessary legal procedures to bring the boy to Brazil, despite the difficulties faced in the process.
How the interest arose
Jojo Todynho revealed his desire to adopt the boy to his followers, when he was already in Brazil, after returning from the trip. At the time, she told about the moment: “The boy who came to honor me was F…. I was so excited looking at other kids that I didn't pay attention because he was reading with his back to me. When the teacher picked him up and placed him in front of me, it was surreal. I looked at him and said: 'This boy is my son'. His eyes sparkled when he spoke to me. It was a different connection, there is no explanation.”
In the statement, Jojo highlights the importance of being observed carefully by other people: “We need to be seen, as I have often been seen. One look changes everything. I only knew how to cry people. He will be my son. I'm going to give him an opportunity for a better education, a better life. I’m not saying he doesn’t receive love and affection from his family, but he will also receive a lot of love and affection here from my family and friends.”
Jojo mentions that, in addition to falling in love at first sight, the decision to adopt was influenced by Gloria Maria. Jojo Todynho adds that he was looking for options to bring Francisco to Brazil, checking whether his family would allow the boy to come. Finally, she said that despite her hope, she was letting things take their course naturally.
Featured photo: Jojo in Europe (Reproduction/Instagram/@jojotodynho)
Jojo Todynho shares updates on Francisco's adoption
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