Juliette freezes eggs for future pregnancies; understand the procedure
Since the beginning of the year, influencer Juliette, 34, has been sharing information about freezing her eggs on her Instagram profile. Despite her young age, she is concerned about preserving her fertility for future pregnancies. This Monday (11), Juliette published a video after the egg retrieval procedure and promised to keep her fans informed about her health. Currently, Juliette is dating crossfit athlete Kaique Cerveny.
Understand the egg freezing technique
Every day, more women resort to the decision to freeze their eggs around the age of 30 to guarantee the quality of the material collected. A woman is born with a limited number of eggs, which mature over time. It's a race against the clock, since after the age of 40, the female body decreases the production of hormones, which leads to the end of menstruation and the woman's reproductive capacity.
The entire process can take up to a month. Before egg retrieval, a woman takes birth control pills for one to two weeks to prevent the production of natural hormones. Afterwards, she receives hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries to mature the eggs. In the next step, under intravenous sedation, the eggs are removed from the uterus with a needle inserted into the vagina and guided by ultrasound. In the final stage, the doctor uses the cryopreservation technique to freeze the eggs removed in liquid nitrogen, at a temperature of 196º.
Juliette and athlete Kaique Cerveny (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@juliette)
Until what age is it possible to freeze eggs
According to the gynecologist specializing in human reproduction, Rodrigo Rosa, for O GLOBO there is no maximum age for egg retrieval, but they warn that success rates in the procedure are higher when carried out before the age of 35. Because eggs can remain frozen for several years awaiting the woman's decision to undergo in vitro fertilization. In general, it is possible to collect 10 to 20 eggs per cycle in the retrieval procedure. When these eggs are thawed, it is estimated that seven will survive and five to six will be fertilized.
Featured photo: Juliette shares details of the procedure with fans (Reproduction/Instagram/@juliette)
Juliette freezes eggs for future pregnancies; understand the procedure
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